Remembering A Stranger

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Sofi's PoV

"Leigh Avery." Camila tossed the file back on her bed. "I've searched for a Leigh Avery and all I'm getting are articles from her accident and drug possession charges."

"Why are you freaking?" I asked, taking a seat on the bed next to her.

"Because," Camila sighed and closed her eyes, "did you see how quick Lucas and Dylan became friends? It didn't even take a minute."

"And?" I smiled and patted my sister's hand.

"What if I only have Dylan for a month? What if her mother clears through court and takes her away?"

"Then we'll congratulate her." I whispered. "Come on, she's been here a week. I think you should stop worrying about it before both her and Luc catch on."

"You're right." She placed the file back in her briefcase and took off her glasses, placing them delicately on her nightstand. "So," she smiled at me, "can I ask you a question?"

"Anything." I grinned and she moved over to grab something from a book shelf. She threw a CD case at me and I looked at the very first album I made before she threw me a second one.

"Why'd she stop?" Camila asked, flipping open the small booklet, reading the small text.

"Who?" I played dumb.

"Sofi," she warned me but I wasn't giving in. I wanted to hear her name fall from her lips. I don't think Camila's mentioned Lauren's name in years. It was always 'she' or 'her'. I raised an eyebrow and pretended I had no clue who she was talking about.

"You know who," Camila whispered and blinked, her eyes skimming over the picture of Lauren in the second album. It was a candid one from the studio when we were recording. Lauren was background vocals for some songs but refused to sing on stage during concerts.

"Who?" I pressed again.

"Lauren." The name fall from her lips as if it were the most sacred name known to man. Her eyes looked over me and her lip twitched slightly. "Happy?"

"Am." I grinned and picked up the booklet she dropped. "She had some issues," I looked away, "I guess she needed to figure out her life more and gave me full reign on the next albums."

"When did you see her last?" Camila brought up Lauren for the first time since my career started to pick up. We reconciled after three and half years of not speaking to each other. By that time she had a two year old Lucas running around and I felt bad for not being there for her when my niece was born. Even Alex was there at the time Lucas was brought into this world.

"About a year ago," I licked my lips, clearly lying through my teeth, "I went to see her after I saw you and Luc last Christmas."

"How uh, how was she?" Camila bit her lip and looked at me sadly. She no longer held a hatred feeling towards her ex-girlfriend. She missed her, I could tell but she refused to admit it or even say her name.

"She's been better," I shrugged and stood up, patting her leg, "Dylan's first day at school tomorrow. I should let you get your sleep."

Camila nodded and smiled. "How long are you here for, Sofi?"

I smiled and tapped my fingers on the door frame, "for however long you want me."


I sat down next to her on the stage and swung my feet back and forth. Our pinkies linked and she nudged me on the shoulder with her own. "That was a really great show, Sofia."

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