Changing For The Better

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Sofi's PoV

"Why Leigh Avery?" I scratched my head and bounced a two year old Dylan on my knee.

"It's different yet I'm not straying too far." Lauren shrugged and put the pencil back in her mouth as she allowed her fingers dance along the keys and music flow through the studio.

"But why?" I asked again, playing with Dylan's curly hair. She looked back at me and gave me a toothless grin, squealing. She reminded me of my niece. I closed my eyes and tried to will the guilt away of not letting Lauren know about Lucas – or Camila know about Dylan. "I just don't get why you are changing your name."

"I just want too," Lauren shrugged and looked up at me before leaning in and kissing Dylan on the cheek, taking her out of my arms, "credit on your album will still be in Lauren Jauregui," she said quietly, "but I just want to run for a bit yet not really go anywhere."

"What about Dylan?" I frowned.

"She's still Dylan," Lauren smiled as Dylan's tiny hands found their way to the keys on the piano, "her last name will be Avery as well, that's all."

I still didn't understand it but Lauren always had a reason behind her decisions. She said my name and I looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "I'm still me. The only change is the name."

"Okay," I shrugged, "Leigh."

"Besides," Lauren whispered, "I don't really want her in the spotlight and keeping Lauren as an alias seems safer. Keeping Dylan away from the public will be easier on her growing up."

I guess I could understand that. "So what, are you just staying behind the scenes from here on out?"

"I think you can handle this," Lauren smiled and nuzzled her daughter's neck before setting her down. Both of us watched Dylan run to her toys and play by herself quietly. "I will still do the studio time and help you with your lyrics but I'm done with the publicity. I want Dylan to grow up to know her mother, not always be with her grandparents."

I nodded sadly and shrugged. "Well at least we have two successful records, right?"

"Yeah, duh." Lauren smiled again. "I told you we'd get it done," she turned to face me and bit her lip, "I think it's time I stop holding your hand, Sofi. You rock the stage with your talent. Maybe my dream was to be a rock star like you once upon a time and creating it is an amazing feeling, but," she glanced over at the small brunette playing with large blocks, "she's what I'm more concerned about now."

"I know." I said softly and patted her hand. "So when I head out on tour next week, you're not coming with?"

"No," she whispered and looked at me, "but you'll be fine on your own. You have your groupies and your girlfriend."

I smiled and nodded, standing up. "I'm going to go for a walk, I'll be back in a bit." I moved to kiss Dylan on top of the head and grabbed my keys.

"Bye!" Dylan waved enthusiastically and I couldn't help but grin at her.


"Sofi Cabello, may I have your autograph?" Jaiden smirked and sat down at the kitchen table, rubbing her eyes from sleep.

"Does that ever get old with you?" I asked, pouring her a cup of coffee and sliding it in front of her.

"Nah," she shrugged and took a sip, looking at me, "so where's your hot hockey playing fiancée?"

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