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Lauren's PoV

Over the weekend, things with Lucas seemed to have improved. She spent most of her time with Jaiden after school but she'd come home for dinner in a better mood and was willing to open up just a little bit more.

She had told us she was feeling pressured at school with summer just around the corner. All of the girls in her school were getting more into fashion and she was getting more into her art, which made her a slight loser, according to her female classmates. If I had to be honest, I was surprised she hadn't hit any of them yet.

I was also thankful for that part too. I'd hate to see her grounded and the worst punishment for Lucas would be no 'Jaiden' time.

Camila and I held interviews for a babysitter while we were at work but when we found out that the good people were scarce, I mentally and physically slapped my head when I thought about day care. Why hadn't we thought about day care? There was one in Camila's building!

"I can't believe we didn't think of this." Camila said as she buckled in Matthew in his car seat. Her voice was on the verge of self-annoyance.

"I know." I had to laugh at the situation but before I was quite mad at myself for not thinking of it sooner. We'd wasted a good Saturday morning with no girls and a sleeping boy.

"You think he'll do okay?" Lucas asked in concern as she buckled up her own seatbelt.

"He'll be fine." Camila smiled at all of us and then tickled his belly. "You're a big boy, aren't you?" She grinned as he giggled.

"Did I go to day care?" Dylan asked, digging through her lunch bag. It was a ritual with her every morning, she had to dig through the bag to see if anything good was in it.

"For a little while." I patted her leg and she gave me a curious look. "When I was working with Aunt Sofi, I couldn't always have you in the studio with me. There was a centre three floors below us in the building."

Camila grinned and looked at Lucas. "You did too. Nana and Grandpa still had to work so we put you in one."

"Yet you forgot about it for Matthew?" Dylan snickered, sarcasm dripping from her voice. The girls were starting to rub off on each other.

"Isn't there a day care where you work, Mom?" Lucas asked as we were all settled into the vehicle, Camila easing it into reverse.

"Yes, which is where he's going and yes, before you say anything, we're a little stupid for being that forgetful." She bit her lip and started to drive away from the house. I blamed it on how quickly our lives were changing together. We were so caught up in just wanting the best for the kids, a simple thing like that just slipped our minds.

"You said it, not me." Lucas laughed and I heard her give Dylan a high five.

When we pulled up to the girls' school, they were practically out of the door before the vehicle even stopped. They gave us a quick wave and were gone.

"I think I may be a little scared." Camila admitted with a soft look on her face. "I'm not prepared to have Lucas any older than she already is."

"This is going to sound so cliché but she's going through a normal phase. She's starting to feel peer pressure and we're just reaping the negative benefits." I shrugged and reached over rub her leg with my hand. "You're doing a really great job Camz, don't sell yourself short."

Her chocolate eyes cast a grateful glance my way and she squeezed the hand that was on her thigh. "I'm so in love with you."

"I'm in love with you." I whispered back, still feeling those chills run through my body when those words escaped our mouths.

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