Family Under Construction

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Dylan's PoV

"So when can we move into our new house?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the hotel bed, watching my mom unpack a few more clothing items of mine and stuffing them in the drawers of the dresser.

"Next week," she turned to me with a smile and threw herself on the bed, grabbing me and tickling me. She stopped and I placed my head on her shoulder, my hand gripping the material of her jersey. It had Camila's name on the back. "Did you finish your homework or was I a bad mom and distract you?"

I grinned and sat up, running to grab my school bag. "I finished it on Friday before dinner."

My mom took the small book I handed her and looked at me curiously. "What is this?"

"My homework!" I stressed with a laugh. "I was supposed to write about something happy."

I wrote about her return and how happy I was that she was going to stay in Kenora. I also wrote that I wanted Camila to be my other mom.

I was hoping I wouldn't get into trouble.

"Mommy?" I frowned with a whisper when I noticed tears well up in her eyes. "Was that bad?"

"No baby!" She quickly wiped her tears away, a smiling brightening her face back up. "You are just the perfect daughter, you know that?"

Girly moment.

We used to have them a lot, followed by ice cream and movies and...

"Do you have your guitar?" I asked, tucking the notebook I gave her to look at, back in my bag.

My mom gave me a soft look, hesitating, before nodding and going towards the closet door. There it was. Her favourite guitar. The one she'd write songs with all the time. "What would you like to hear?" She asked, grabbing her pick thingy and tuning the instrument.

"Uh," I tapped my fingers against my chin before I smiled widely, "you and Camila used to be girlfriends, did you ever write her any love songs?"

"Dyl," her sigh was almost painful but it didn't stop her from playing a few notes and her eyes never leaving mine, "so if I play this for you, will you tell me a secret about yourself?"

I giggled and nodded. She smiled and winked.

I loved getting told that I looked a lot like my mom.

She was the most beautiful lady in the world.

"Chocolate was never my favourite colour

But on you girl, it seems so right

To look into those orbs

To breathe your name

There isn't an obstacle I will not fight

To have you with me

To always hear your smile

Telling me to stay for

- awhile

Sometimes I wish she could fly me away

Back to yesterday

Where she first smiled at me

When I told her she was crazy..."

Wow. I missed my mommy's voice! She wrote that song for Camila. "That's beautiful mommy." I whispered and she smiled, placing her guitar down.

"Did you know Camila wrote the music for it?" She asked me and nodded as I shook my head. "I just put words to it. She's quite the music writer."

"Like her sister?" I asked. Sofi was the coolest. I sensed a lot of bad feelings between all the adults but I didn't stick my nose into it.

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