The Phone Call

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Sofia's PoV

"Why do you find that so funny? So I said 'orgasm' instead of 'organism'. It happens!" I rolled my eyes and sat up on the couch, watching Sammy pick out another old vinyl record to listen too – or she was trying to but had the severe case of the giggles.

"You were in a classroom full of eight year olds and then," she held her stomach, "and then they started to ask you what an 'orgasm' was."

"I got in so much trouble from the parents. It's not funny." I smirked and threw some popcorn her way.

Sammy had spent some time with her family Christmas morning but met me back at my place for movies, like old times.

"So what time was Trace supposed to call?" She straightened out while dropping Janis Joplin on the old turn table. "God I love this woman."

I nodded in agreement and glanced above my mantle to find that it was already pretty late. "Probably first thing in the morning," I shrugged, "I bet she had a tough day and is in bed."

Samantha smiled and grabbed her bottle of beer. "Normani called me before I came here," she threw out there with a shrug.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Does she know you're with me?"

"I told her I was spending time with you, of course." Sammy looked at me with a smile. "As long as we don't grope each other, we're cool."

"Touché." I laughed and got up to grab another cold beer. "How are your parents?" I called from the kitchen, kicking the fridge closed only to find Sammy in my spot on the couch while patting the seat beside her.

"Good." She sighed and placed the bottle on the coffee table. "They bought me a pass to the gym," she rolled her eyes, "either I'm gaining weight and that's their subtle way of telling me or they couldn't think of anything better."

"Nah," I placed a warm hand over her sweater covered stomach, my eyes catching hers, "feels like you're in good shape."

Sammy snorted and rolled her eyes, throwing my hand off her and lifting her sweater up to look at her stomach. I quirked an eyebrow at the pierced belly button that I never even knew about.

"When did you get that?" I asked, tracing my finger around the black stud.

"About two years ago," she shrugged and patted her own belly, "I needed a change but nothing too drastic. I've already got your name tattooed on my lower back and that's as drastic as it's going to get."

I blushed. She had gotten that tattoo for me as a graduation present in high school. I had her name wrapped around a rose on my ankle.

We made a pact to never have them covered up.

"What do people say when they see it?" I whispered.

"People? You make me sound like a slut." Sammy snorted and shook her head. "They ask me who 'Sofia' is, I say that hot singer and they think I'm just an obsessed fan. They flee after I mention you're the ex-girlfriend."

"Ha," I laughed and tried to stifle it behind my hand, "I guess you're kinda stuck with me."

"Kinda." She shrugged and brought her blue eyes up to mine. "But I can live with that."

"Me too." I sighed and shifted beside her, turning to face the journalist. "I'm really happy you decided to hang out. I hate being here by myself." I shuddered.

"Why?" Sammy laughed and looked around the small yet spacious two bedroom house. "You're ten minutes from your parent's place and you spent a lot of nights alone while on tour."

"This place just hasn't really sunk in that it's home, you know? Tracey and I decorated it together but I'm just taking a little bit longer to get used to it." I shrugged. "Does that make me horrible?"

"No," she shook her head and glanced around, "I feel safe here if it makes you feel any better. I'll spend the night if you want me too."

I swallowed as the alcohol I was drinking started to course through my veins and I felt my heart beating harder with every flick of Sam's eyelashes. It was like a part of me longed for that familiarity yet at the same time; I knew that I was just getting caught up in past emotions. "You don't have too."

Samantha shrugged and downed the remainder of her beer and stood up. "I think it's wise anyway seeing as I can't drive like this. I've had way too many." She winked and made her way towards the bathroom.

I collapsed on the couch and reached for my phone. "Freaky," I whispered as it started ringing and frowned at the unknown number that popped up. "Hello?"

"Shouldn't you be out on stage shaking the thing that Mom gave you?"

"Camila?" I barely whispered and I heard a soft laugh flow through the line. "Wha- I mean- hi, how are you?"

"I'm fantastic little sis," Camila sighed and then there was a pause, "I miss you."

I couldn't even stop the flow of tears that fell from onto my cheeks. I sat up and pressed my forehead into my hand, smiling yet breaking at the same time. "I miss you too."

"I think this silence stuff has went on long enough. You don't know of anymore kids Lauren has that I don't know about, right?" It felt good to hear the teasing in her voice.

"No," I laughed softly and clutched my phone tighter in my hand, "I really am sorry Camila."

"Stop," she said quietly, "I may never understand it fully but I get it. Now, I have something to tell you..."

"You and Lauren are together." I grinned and bit my nail. "Sammy told me."

"Sammy?" Spencer sounded a little surprised. "When did you talk to her, I thought she was in New Zealand?"

"She was. She's back for Christmas and she's actually grabbing yet another beer from my fridge." I rolled my eyes as Sammy sat back down beside me, flipping through more retro vinyl records.

"Does Normani know?" She teased.

"Yes, Sammy talked with her not too long ago and mentioned she was with me. Why?"

"Well..." Camila became silent again and then she laughed, "just don't go getting into trouble you two."

"What?" I frowned. "We're just friends."

"So I have a surprise." Camila ignored me. "Tomorrow we're flying in for the week. I don't want anyone else to know."

I gasped and jumped up and down. "You're coming here?!" I winced when my sister used my name in a scolding tone while Sammy raised a curious eyebrow. "Sorry."

"Okay so don't tell anyone else," Camila laughed, "we're catching an early flight and should land before lunch. I was wondering if you could come get us. They don't have any more cars available to rent at the airport so I'll find something in the city."

"Oh my God, of course Camila!" I squealed and twirled around like a little girl. "Wait, who is we?"

"The family." Camila replied softly. "See you tomorrow Sof."

So maybe not a whole lot of what happened was talked about but if Camila was talking to me, then I didn't want to spoil that. We could talk face to face, like she had said she wanted to before.

I threw my phone on the table and threw myself back with a longing sigh. The fact that she called me and she trusted me with a huge secret, I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.

"Your girl coming home early?" Sammy looked at me curiously.

"No," I shook my head and grabbed her hands, "that was Camila, Sam. She called me! She... she called me. She laughed and she called me."

Samantha had a big smile on her face and I felt her arms wrapped around my neck, her cheek pressed against mine. "That is awesome, Sofia."

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