Can't Blame Me, Can You?

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Sofi's PoV

"Damnit!" I threw the phone across the room and paced back and forth. I had been trying to get a hold of Lauren since Camila discovered the huge secret I was carrying. I didn't want Lauren to walk into anything blindly but it seemed as though she either ignored my phone calls or got a different number without telling me.

"Calm yourself," Sammy sighed and stretched from the bed, throwing a magazine at Tracey, "read that article," she pointed to some porn magazine and Tracey laughed, flipping through the pages.

"Well it's nice to see you two having fun while I'm freaking here." I frowned and Tracey threw the magazine on the floor and made her way towards me.

"Sofi, you're going to make yourself sick if you don't take a breather, okay? Just, relax." Her warm hands cupped my face and her lips pressed softly against mine.

"I'm with Ace on this one." Sammy shrugged and I turned to look at her. "I mean, I feel bad enough as it is not saying a word to either Mila or Lauren, you know? I can only imagine how you feel."

"That helps." I deadpanned and she sighed heavily, getting up from the bed.

"Sofia," she bit her lip, "sometimes you really don't know what the right thing to think about is. You're freaking and that's okay but at the same time, Camila has every right to be upset. I mean, you're her sister and you kept this from her. It was one thing for it to be unspoken of when Dylan wasn't in her care, but the moment she was-"

"I know." I cut her off. "Fuck, I know!"

"Lauren probably isn't ignoring you on purpose." Sammy ventured further. "She's not focused on you right now. She's focused on getting her daughter back and you know what? Good for her. I would love to see Dylan back in her mother's arms. Lauren made a mistake that cost her and sure, she didn't exactly go about it the right way but she did find help."

Tracey looked at me and nodded. "I think it's going to be a very powerful reunion," her eyes glanced downwards before looking back at me, "and I hate to admit it baby but you're going to be in the crossfire of accusations."

"Since when do you two team up to gang up on me?" I scowled and they both hugged me.

"We're not ganging up on you," Sammy whispered, "we're just not going to get your hopes up high that all will be forgiven right away with the things you've withheld."

"But no matter what," Tracey smiled, "I'll be by your side the whole way."

"And I guess I can be too." Sammy rolled her eyes playfully and stepped back. "But I'm tired of interrupting your alone time so I'm going to go find me someone single to flirt with."

"Actually I'm hungry," Tracey laced her fingers with mine, "why don't we go out to eat. I'm seriously missing Ephiny's poutine."

"Ugh, me too." Sammy moaned and grabbed my other arm.

You would think it'd be an awkward situation I found myself in. In a hotel room with my current fiancée and my ex girlfriend. But they actually got along really well and it proved to me that Sammy had moved on.

"I guess Rapture it is then." Tracey beamed and we were off.


"Oh no." I sighed when we walked into the café. I noticed Camila was sitting with Normani and the girls at a booth.

"Auntie Sofi!" Lucas spotted me first and ran towards me, wrapping her arms around my legs. "I missed you!"

"Me too." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Hi!" Dylan hugged the other side of me and beamed up at me with her green eyes. "Are you going to eat with us?"

"Um," I cleared my throat and Tracey's grip tightened on my hand, "I think we're going to sit over here."

"Aww you're no fun." Lucas pouted.

I glanced up to see Camila looking at me but then quickly went back into her conversation with Normani. "I've got an idea," I knelt down and smiled at the two girls in front of me, "what if Tracey and I take you to the movies again tomorrow night?"

Lucas and Dylan clapped excitedly and nodded their heads.

"I'll call your mom later and ask her if it's okay." I nodded and they agreed, going back to their seats.

"Don't you think you should talk to her?" Sammy asked as she slid into a booth. "Not right now or anything, but later?"

"She won't." I sighed. "I tried to call her and she's just ignoring every phone call. Even if I call from a pay phone, she just hangs up as soon as she hears my voice."

"Can't blame me, can you?" Camila said from behind us and I spun around to look at her. "I'm still pissed Sofi, more than you'll ever know but right now, it's no longer about me. This is about Dylan. So for her sake, I'm not going to drag 'us' into it. Have fun with them tomorrow night."

And she was gone back to her booth.

Sammy whistled and looked at me. "Well at least she didn't throw her Dr. Pepper in your face, right?"


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