Dude's Got A Point

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Jaiden's PoV

"So what you're saying is that in order to get her attention, I need to talk to her?" I asked with my hand on my chin.

"Duh." Lucas chuckled and pulled her covers back over Dylan.

There was this new girl in school who had just transferred from Thunder Bay. She was so beautiful you had no idea. Hazel eyes, freckles everywhere, long curls that were actually ringlets. She was so quiet and shy but she threw me smiles every now and then in music class.

I was in heaven at school.

I actually looked forward to it.

I didn't know her last name though, but because of role call, I knew her first.


"Stop drooling." Dylan poked my cheek as she doodled a cartoon character on my math notebook. "It's not attractive."

"Dude's got a point." Lucas shrugged and sketched a picture of some scenery out of a magazine. "If you like her so much, ask her out."

I had always seemed to have been getting all of my girl advice from two girls who were five and seven years younger than me. I should've felt threatened but I didn't.

I was grateful.

Why? Because they had nothing to compare it by. They told me what they thought without lying because they didn't know any better.

And that gave me confidence.

Samantha Taylor was just a crush and you know, I was actually happy for her and Normani. I thought I'd feel heartbroken but I didn't.


"Eliza?" Lucas frowned and looked at me with her big grey Cabello eyes. I think I had just said 'Eliza' out loud.

"Uh, you know it's getting late and you two need to get to bed so I can finish my trig homework." I laughed and grabbed my books.

"I need my beauty sleep anyway." Lucas shrugged and giggled as Dylan agreed, which had the brunette throwing a pillow at her younger sister.

I hoped everything worked out between Camila and Lauren. I had known Camila for years and the only reason I knew about her rendezvous with Aimee was because I had overheard a conversation between Mila and my mom, Chase. Then I decided to be cool and take care of Luc while Camila got her freak on with the hot newly divorced blonde.

Yet I had never seen them together. Ever. No dating, there was no talking about Aimee afterwards and there was no telling Lucas about her mommy's new play toy.

With Lauren however, they had history. I was a part of their history. I was told by my parents that Lauren had proposed to Camila in Kenora when they were my age. I was told that Camila was my idol for a while there even though she was just a kid passing through town – but because she played hockey I had found her fascinating.

So to have her return back years later with a four year old Lucas was like fate.

Not sure what kind of fate but it was fate.

That I would figure out later on in life.

Camila kicked ass as a coach. She was the best and she was honest with everyone. She pushed us but not to the point where we hated her. She let us have breaks and if we lost a game, she wouldn't throw it back in our faces.

"Are you spending the night?" I heard Lucas yawn, breaking me free from my thoughts.

"No," I smiled and moved to get up off her bed, closing my math book and grabbing my pencil. Dylan was already passed out and I chuckled quietly, about to pick her up.

"No," Lucas shook her head and brushed her fingers through Dylan's hair, "she's fine here."

I nodded. "Okay." I leaned in to kiss Lucas on the cheek and then Dylan on the forehead. "Sweetest dreams," I whispered, "Luc," she stared back at me, "thank you for everything."

Lucas blushed a little and shrugged. "What are best friends for?"

God, she was definitely a keeper.

I went downstairs after gathering my books up and as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs, I heard the shower going.


"Hello?" I called out and jumped as Camila poked her head out from towards the kitchen. "Fucking A you scared the shit out of me!"

"Language." Camila teased and shrugged. "Sorry about scaring you."

"It's okay," I took a moment to catch my heart to start beating again, "when did you get in and why are you wet?"

Camila smirked and I rolled my eyes.

Pervy minds think alike.

"We just got in about five minutes ago. We walked from her place." Camila pointed out the window towards, what would have been a house but it was so dark out I couldn't see it.

"Nice," I grinned.

"Lauren's in the shower unthawing." She snickered and peeled off her own sweater, throwing it towards the laundry room down the hall.

"I figured you'd help her out with that." I winked and grabbed my book bag.

"Oh little one, you have so much to learn." Camila chuckled and sat down on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate. "Are you taking off?"

"I should." I yawned and stretched. "The girls finished their homework and helped me with mine as well as my girl troubles. Lucas just went to sleep, my fault, I kept her up."

"Not surprised." Camila shrugged and stood to hug me. "Drive safe, please?"

I nodded and thanked whoever above that I had someone like Camila in my life. She was the best older sister one could ask for. Not that she was a real older sister, but she never treated me any differently than a younger sibling and best friend; a sister who was twelve years older than I was.

"Okay Camz," Lauren came out of the shower in a t-shirt and flannel pants, "shower is all yours." She looked at me and smiled, stopping by the couch. "The girls were good for you?"

Aww, she was worried about her girls' behaviour. "They were perfect angels." I said honestly with a grin. "Sometimes I feel like they're babysitting me."

"Now that's a scary thought." Camila snickered and made her way slowly towards the bathroom. "Hey Jai," she smiled softly, "practice is optional tomorrow."


"Since when is practice optional?" I raised an eyebrow and glanced between her and Lauren.

"I'm Coach and that's what I've decided. You can show up or sleep in. Your choice." Camila shrugged casually.


The light bulb went on in my head and I smirked, nodding slowly as I pointed between the two. "You two enjoy the rest of your night."

I quickly made my way out of the toasty warm house and laughed quietly, leaning against the door before laughing a little louder.

Camila was so getting laid.

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