The Woman Who Struggles

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Lauren's PoV

"That was delicious." I thanked her again for the food and leaned forward, brushing a strand of golden hair away from her eyes. "I don't know how it's possible," I whispered, my fingers guiding down her cheek softly, "but I fall in love with you more and more each day."

Camila grinned and wrapped her fingers around my wrist and pulled my fingers to her lips, where she brushed her lips over the soft pads of my skin. "Come with me," she stood up and gently helped me out of my seat, pulling me to my feet. "See, I can get pretty corny as well," she led me to a part of the arena where there was a stereo hooked up and pushed play on the CD, "Miss Jauregui," she held out her hand, "may I have this dance?"

The familiar smooth voice of John Mayer came on and I grabbed Camila's hands, placing them on my waist while I wrapped mine around her waist.

Here comes the cold

Break out the winter clothes

And find a love to call your own

You - enter you

Your cheeks a shade of pink

And the rest of you in powder blue

I watched as Camila's lips moved to the lyrics of 'St. Patrick's Day' and I danced slowly, mesmerized by the talent that came from her throat and how she felt so comfortable.

Who knows what will be

But I'll make you this guarantee

No way November will see our goodbye

When it comes to December it's obvious why

No one wants to be alone at Christmas time

I sighed with a smile and meld my body into hers, placing my head on her shoulder with my eyes closed, listening to every word she was singing in my ear, filling with more love I thought possible.

In the dark, on the phone

You tell me the names of your brothers

And your favorite colors

I'm learning you

And when it snows again

We'll take a walk outside

And search the sky

Like children do

No way November will see our goodbye

When it comes to December it's obvious why

No one wants to be alone at Christmas time

And come January we're frozen inside

Making new resolutions a hundred times

February, won't you be my valentine?

I lifted my head and looked into her chocolate eyes. Brown eyes that I so easily got lost in. The words faded from her lips when I tangled my hands in her hair, pulling her lips to mine. I breathed her in. Every essence of her beautiful heart and kissed her with every emotion I was feeling.

We stayed like that for a while on the ice, dancing and kissing with no one watching us. It reminded me of the night she took me to the pond.

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