Listen To What You're Not Saying

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Camila's PoV

Lucas came into the living room and looked at me with sad eyes. "What's wrong?" I whispered and she pointed upstairs.

"Dylan's crying again." She whispered back, sadly. "She wants you."

I nodded and kissed the small blonde on the forehead before taking her hand as we went upstairs quietly. I pushed Dylan's door opened and found her body curled up in a small ball, shaking with tears. "Oh baby girl," I hushed and scooped her up in my arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "what's wrong?"

Dylan held me tighter but never said anything. I allowed her to cry it all out before a few sniffles came out of her and she blinked, her brown eyes on me intensely. "I miss her."

"She misses her mommy," Lucas crawled up beside us and snuggled into the bed, her hand holding Dylan's.

"I told you I loved you," Dylan finally hiccupped and she looked down to her fingers that were being caressed by Lucas', "the last person I told I loved them was my mommy and then I never sawed her again."

My heart broke as tears began to gather in her eyes again. I rubbed her back, soothing her as she let it all out. "I love you Dylan," I whispered and she cried even harder. "It's okay to love someone else other than your mommy."

"But what if she never comes back?" Dylan whispered into my neck and Lucas and I shared a sad look.

"If she comes back," I spoke softly, "then you'll get to live with her again and create more memories." She had shared many memories of her mother and herself and not one of them led me to believe that this 'Leigh Avery' was a bad parent. "But we're going to miss you if she does come back."

Lucas nodded, her own sniffles filled the room. "We would."

"I would miss you too." Dylan peered over at my daughter and scooted off my lap to hug Lucas hard.

After calming down the two girls, I made my way back downstairs and cleaned up a bit before turning off the lights. I had to be up early in the morning again and since I hadn't seen Alex all evening, I wasn't sure if she had made it back yet from her visit with Sammy.

I knocked on the spare bedroom door and it came open slightly, revealing that no one was there. The room was more than tidy, thanking the Lesbian God that Tracey liked things cleaned. Whenever she was visiting, she'd always help me with the house cleaning.

When I noticed a black photo album out, I couldn't help but check it out. The front was engraved: Sofi's Favourite Memories. I flipped through the first page and grinned as the three faces of the Cabello kids were plastered all over the pages. Alex always had to be making a funny face, never taking the camera seriously. I always had a puck in my hand and Sofi always had headphones in her ears.

The first couple of pages were pictures of birthday parties, dance recitals and my hockey games. Then we got into pictures of girls and boys I barely recognize from her freshman year. A picture of a boy taller than Austin, kissing her cheek while another girl kissed her other cheek. Sofi had the charm even if she thought she didn't have it.

It may have been wrong to snoop through the book of her memories and I would've stopped but when I put the book back down, a folded letter fell to the floor and all that I could see was 'Love, Lauren.'.

I swallowed hard picked up the letter, shakily unfolding it. Lauren and Sofi's life for the past twelve years was private. No one knew and no one really asked, scared that they'd find out they were more than friends.

I couldn't handle that but I knew that it probably never happened.

I sat on the neatly made bed and chewed on my bottom lip before taking a deep breath and reading it.

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