I'm Yours Too

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Lauren's PoV

The large familiar house stared back at me. I sighed for the millionth time and glanced at the blonde in the passenger seat. "Do I have too?"

"They're your family." Camila managed a soft smile. "Plus I think they'd love to meet Dylan and catch up with you."

Uncle Vic and Aunt Greta were on vacation when we first arrived in Midtown, but they had just gotten back and heard that I was in town. Apparently they begged and begged Austin to get me to visit them.

I sat in their driveway, expecting them to come running out but I figured they were waiting for me to make the first move.

I hadn't seen them since my parents' funeral and that thought alone made me want to get all emotional again.

"I just don't know if I can handle all the tears. I haven't cried this much since..." I trailed off and sighed, already feeling my strong exterior crumble.

Camila's hand was on my thigh, rubbing gently before catching my hand and kissing the back of my fingers. "I'll go in with you if you want me too."

"You will?" I whispered, scared-like.

"Come on, I bet they're going to flip when they see Dylan." Camila turned her head around to find the nine year old passed out in the backseat. "It's not even dinner time yet, we must've really worn her out."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the vehicle. Opening up the back door, I shook Dylan lightly. "Baby Dyl," I whispered and she groaned, pouting a little. Camila opened up the back door on the other side and smiled lightly. "How can she be so tired?"

"The girl has had so much excitement during our stay, I think it's all catching up to her." Camila whispered softly, tucking strays of loose curly hair behind Dylan's ear. "Hey Dylan, wake up please."

A few seconds later, green sleepy eyes locked on mine. "Momma? Where are we?"

"We're going to meet some very special people." I kissed her forehead. "Come on, I think you'll love them."

"Who?" She asked, hoping out beside me and yawning.

"Austin's parents." Camila grabbed her other hand. "Aunt Greta and Uncle Vic."

"Oh." Dylan smiled a little and remained quiet as we walked up the familiar pathway.

"They trimmed that big tree down by your bedroom window." Camila mused, looking up.

"You lived here?" Dylan asked in surprise.

"I did," I smiled, "when Gramma and Grandpa went away for a bit while I was younger, they had me stay with Austin. I met Camila that year."

"Aww and you fell in love with Mom?" Dylan whispered, her cheeks flushing beat red while Camila and I stared at her with shit eating grins. "Right?" She squeaked.

"Right," I whispered, "that was when I fell in love with your mom."

Camila squeezed her hand and Dylan visibly relaxed. She was still blushing but knowing that we were more than happy that she finally called Camila 'mom', she wasn't flinching or waiting for someone to yell at her.

"Oh God Camz, I don't know if I can do this." Panic set in so quick I barely had time to react to it.

"Yes you can," she squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek, "they're going to be so thrilled to see you baby. I promise."

It wasn't like I was afraid they'd be upset with me for being away for so long. I was just scared to feel some old familiar feelings I had when my parents were alive. Aunt Greta was so much like a Jauregui, I was afraid I'd break down.

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