One Step Closer

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Sofi's PoV

I finished putting the last of my mother's dishes away. Wiping my hands on my jeans, I made my way into the living room where my parents were watching some reality show on TV. "Okay, the dishes are put away, leftovers are sealed and in the fridge and I turned your coffee pot timer on for tomorrow." I sat down on the couch and blew raven hair out of my eyes.

"Thanks honey." Sinu smiled and leaned over to squeeze my knee. "We should have you over every Saturday night for dinner."

"You just want me over because I clean afterwards." I teased.

Alejandro snorted a little, "it's a lot more than you did as a teenager." He threw me a wink.

"Dad!" I laughed and punched him on the arm. "Okay so maybe you're right."

The older man grinned and went back to watching whatever show was airing.

"I should get going home," I sighed and kissed my mom on the cheek before repeating the action to my dad.

Grabbing my car keys, I heard my mom follow me to the door. "We really love having you back Sofi," she smiled softly. "I'm very proud of you. You've definitely made a better change for yourself in the past five months. I love Tracey and I wish her the very best but I think it wise and brave you decided to go ahead and find yourself."

I blushed and pulled her into a hug. "I lost something so long ago and everyone realized it way before I did. I'm just glad it wasn't too late to try and make up for it." I took my sweater off the staircase railing and wrapped it around me. "I'm happy mom, I just wish I could make it all complete."

She frowned slightly but the recognition in what I mean, registered in her eyes and she nodded. "It's still not too late for that."

I could only nod because a part of me believed her. I had asked the one person I only ever truly loved to stay away and like I knew she would, Samantha Taylor listened. I hadn't heard from her since that one evening in Johnny's.

"Thanks again for dinner," I quickly changed the subject, "I'll have to have you and dad over next weekend instead. We can watch movies on the projector in the basement."

"Okay!" Mom was always excited when it came to watching a movie of her choice on the projector. "Just let us know what time and we'll bring the dessert."

"Deal." I gave her another hug.

"Oh Sofi, Alex is coming over for a late lunch tomorrow with Hannah and his new girlfriend, would you like to join us?" She flashed a smile that Spencer had inherited solely.

"I'd love to meet this new woman at my brother's side. He called me last night and couldn't shut up about her." I laughed.

"Great, we'll set an extra plate." She opened the door for me and grinned. "Please drive home safe."

"Always do." I saluted her and made my way towards my jeep.

I stopped at the gas station to fill up when I heard my cell ringing. Digging it out of my console, I smiled at the name flashing across that screen. "Lauren Jauregui, it's about time you call me back."

"Sorry, I was busy bedding your sister." Came her reply and I couldn't even freak out over it. She always had to throw something sexual about my sister into a conversation. "I'm taking a break, thought I'd see how things are. Your message was a little cryptic."

"Sorry about that," I smirked and sighed, "I was actually calling to see when you and Camila were heading to B.C."

I could hear noise on the other end and realized it was the newest member (temporary or not) of the family I had yet to meet.

"Is Matthew singing his ABC's?" I asked in a baby voice.

"He can get up to L and then it's jumbled from there." Lauren laughed and it brought me back to when she taught Dylan her ABC's. "When the heck are you going to get your butt back here? You've been taking a break for the past month and we've yet to see you mooching off of your older sister."

"I hardly mooch," I defended myself, "it's just more convenient to be there if she needed a babysitter. Unless you count that time she tried to get me to look after Lucas when Jaiden had the flu because she wanted time with Aimee. I totally sabotaged that one for you. You're welcome by the way."

"Thanks for that visual." Lauren half groaned and half chuckled."Aimee's had her closure with Camila so we can move on from that. Why did you want to know when we were heading to B.C.?"

I took a deep breath. "I know it's a sensitive time for you to be going there so I didn't want to impose. Now that I think about it, it's really selfish of me for even thinking it'd be a good idea. How about we just forget about it and I can talk to you about it some other time?" I banged my head against my steering wheel.

Lauren cleared her throat and I could tell she was about to ask me to tell her anyway. "Sofi, please don't act like that okay? The reason for going is hard but it needs to be done. Nothing you're about to say will make it any different."

"Well, there's this building I was scoping out in Vancouver. It's worn down and needs a little TLC but I was thinking of buying the spot and starting my own record company. You have expertise in that area and I was hoping, maybe, we can meet up and you can let me know what you think?" I held my breath and then I heard her squeal.

"A record label? Sofi, seriously?" She sounded overjoyed. "I'd love to do that with you."

"Really? The timing isn't shitty?" I asked, trying to hold my own happiness at bay.

"I think it's perfect. I'm sure the girls want to do some sightseeing anyway so we'll make that one of our stops."

"Wow," I breathed easily and clutched the phone in my hand tighter, "this is great, thank you so much."

"What are sister slash best friends for?" She remarked with a smile in her voice.

"You're the best Lauren." I sighed. "So how are my lovelies? I miss you guys so much."

"Good, really good. Lucas and Jaiden have been attached at the hip but they always manage to find time to have Dylan with them. School's been slack seeing as it's the end of the year pretty much..." she started to ramble on about how the family was doing and upcoming plans, including a wedding surprise she had been cooking up for Camila. She let me in on the secret because she needed more accomplices.

After talking to her for a little while longer, I realized it was late and the streets were starting to look bare. Pulling down my street, I noticed my outside light was on. I didn't usually turn it on because I was normally home right as the sun was setting.

My house seemed a lot bigger than when Tracey and I bought it but it was home. It was an empty home because she had cleaned her stuff out of it a while back. I never fought Tracey on anything she wanted to take. I even offered her the house but she informed me that living in Midtown wasn't an option for her. She was making a life back in Niagara Falls.

Tossing my keys into the tray by the door, I threw my bag on the staircase and continued on with my regular night time routine of grabbing cold water so I could go upstairs and run a hot bath to relax me.

Humming a tune, I flicked on the dining room light and if I were anyone else, I'd jump and scream like a little girl but her piercing blue eyes made me stop breathing momentarily. Her brown hair was down and wavy as she sat at my dining table, her hands folded neatly in front of her. I tried to speak, I did, but I couldn't make a sound.

"Hello Sofia." Sam smiled softly and licked her lips, "it's been a while."

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