You're It For Me

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Lauren's PoV

The morning seemed like a blur. All the hustle and bustle between getting the kids dressed, makeup and hair done on the wedding party and making sure we were all on time. It was nothing but a messy yet colourful blur.

Camila had left with Sinu, Normani, Kyla and Lucas to get ready at Kyla's place. Alejandro, Austin, and Anton took Matthew under their care to help him get his Ring Bearer tux on. Dylan and Cailyn begged to be with Sofi and Sammy as they made sure the band, Cera, was set up and ready to go. I made Sofi promise to keep on schedule and to not feed the girls any sugar. Cailyn inherited Austin's chocolate addiction and a sugar-induced child is not something any of us want on our hands at the moment. I'd feed her all the chocolate in the world once the wedding was over.

For now I needed to focus on the wedding; the wedding that was about to happen in less than an hour.

I was giddy inside and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"You look gorgeous." Aunt Greta came up behind me and pulled at my grey pinstriped jacket, adjusting the collar. "Your parents are probably crying waterfalls up there. Their little girl is marrying the only person they ever approved of." She chuckled with a watery laugh.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and dabbed my makeup. "I'm going to cry, stop." I smiled to show her I was only half serious.

"Well it's true my niece. Your parents raved about you, even when you didn't think they cared. They only ever wanted what was best for you, whether it was with school or your love life. They commented on how miserable you seemed when you and Spencer broke up in high school." Aunt Greta adjusted my tie and then patted my shoulders before pulling me into a hug. "You'll always be a daughter to me. I know I can't replace them but your Uncle Vic and I will always be there for you and your beautiful family."

I was full out crying now and knew I'd have to have my makeup redone but it was worth it. I barely had a chance to grieve with my family about the tragedy of my parents. At that moment, wrapped up in my Aunt Greta's arms, my Dad's sister, it was like the final closure I needed to truly grasp what had happened and move on.

I was going to marry the love of my life, my best friend. I had three gorgeous children. Two, not one, but two careers that I loved doing and a huge family that surrounded us with more love than one could imagine possible.

My parents would be proud and they'd be dancing with joy knowing that I went for it and got the girl in the end.

"Oh Lauren, you look absolutely beautiful." Uncle Vic came into the room and placed his hand over his heart, crocodile tears in his eyes. "I'm speechless."

"Uncle Vic, you're going to make me cry again and I need to redo my makeup already." I sniffled through a laugh as he embraced me and kissed the top of my head.

"You've made me proud." He whispered and held me tighter before letting me go and looking at me once more. "Now, the car is here so let's get you to your gorgeous Camila and get you hitched." He winked at me then at Aunt Greta.

"Are you ready for this?" Aunt Greta teased and I nodded.

"My whole life, I've never been ready for anything else as much as I am marrying that woman."

"Good." She moved out of the way so Liz, a makeup artist Kyla had insisted on using, made adjustments to my face.

Before I knew it, the car stopped at the destination I had carefully picked out. I had some strings pulled to reserve the place but once I dropped the name Camila Cabello, I was golden.

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