Ice Cream & Ch Ch Ch Changes

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Camila's PoV

"Jauregui!" I screamed after the referee blew his whistle. Dylan skated towards me and lifted her mask up, taking a sip of water. "You think you and Kelsey can tag team?"

"What about Luc?" She asked out of breath.

"They'll be expecting it." I offered and Dylan grinned, nodding mischievously.

"I'm on it Coach!" The tiny brunette saluted and skated back towards her position, getting ready for face-off.

I kept my eyes on the game until I felt a hand on my lower back. I turned around to find Lauren watching the game but had a brilliant smile on her face. I still couldn't believe what we had done earlier that afternoon. Shivers ran through my body just thinking about it.

"You're a hot Coach." Lauren whispered, being careful with her volume of tone. She glanced at me and winked before going back to watching the game.

I looked around me and when I noticed everyone's eyes were on the game, I leaned forward, "You're a hot MILF."

"Oh but you already have." Lauren faced me with a smirk and bit her lip. Damn, what a comeback! Left me speechless and I swallowed heavily, clearing my throat.

"Benton! Move!" I hollered, trying not to feel the eyes burning on me.


Dylan just scored a goal and Lauren actually caught that. She squeezed me into a hug and I laughed because it was cute.

"Holy wowsers!" Lucas screamed happily, scooping Dylan up and they both laughed as they fell to the ice.

The game was over and so was the fact that Lauren's hand on my lower back. She removed it and hugged Dylan after they shook hands. "I'm so proud if you!"

Yeah, we were tied with the other team and Dylan had just scored one for the win.

I was stoked.

"Thanks." Dylan giggled as her team mates patted her on the back and head.

"Dyl! You know what this means?" Lucas grinned. "Ice cream!"

"Ugh," Lauren smirked, "only kids want ice cream on a cold day." She looked at me and I raised an eyebrow. "Oh and you."

"Nice." I chuckled sarcastically but smiled to show I was kidding.

"So can we?" Lucas asked us, taking off her helmet.

"Actually," I looked towards Lauren and bit my lip, "how about we just go home tonight, okay?"

"But it's tradition!" Lucas frowned and stared at me with her grey eyes.

"I know sweetie but we have some ice cream at home and I promise you and Dylan can make your own sundaes." I patted her head and she looked at Dylan, who nodded vigorously.

They only got to make their own sundaes every few Saturdays so they knew to take the opportunity to do it, seeing as it was a school night.

"Are you going to have a sundae?" Dylan asked Lauren, her eyes wide and full of life.

"As long as you make it." Lauren grinned and kissed the smaller brunette's forehead. "Go get changed with Lucas."

Lucas and Dylan nodded as they walked to the locker room as fast as they could while on skates.

After waiting for our daughters to get changed, we made our way back to my place.

"I cannot believe it!" Lucas laughed as she flopped down on the couch, Dylan right beside her. "That was so awesome, you and Kelsey have to do that more often."

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