Snowflakes Aren't The Only Things Fallin

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Lauren's PoV

"Hey babygirl," I knocked softly on Dylan's bedroom door and opened it, to find her face first in her pillow, "can I come in?"

She grunted and I took it as a yes. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I smiled softly as she peeked at me through the space between her arm and pillow.

"I called her mom." Dylan sat up and hung her head.

"You did," I couldn't help but smile a little, "and there's nothing wrong with that."

"But she's not you!" Dylan gasped and scowled.

"No," I shrugged, Camila was much better than me, "but listen," I tucked a lose curl behind her ear and pulled her into a hug, "we've talked about this before Dyl and I think you calling her that made her really happy."

"She's too nice to say otherwise." Dylan sniffled.

"Did you see the way her eyes lit up?" I pulled back and cupped her small face. "She loves you just as much as I do," I whispered because I knew it was true, "so calling her 'mom' is completely okay."


"-and I'm not upset." I peered at her through honest eyes. "If you're worried that I'm upset or jealous, you don't need to be baby, okay? In fact," I whispered as if what I was about to say was a huge secret, "I really liked hearing you call her that."

"You did?" Dylan blushed with a small smile.

I nodded and kissed her forehead softly. "Come on," I pulled her up to her feet, "let's finish our food so you can show me your awesome hockey puck your boyfriend gave you."

"MOM!" She screeched as we entered the hallway, "He's not my boyfriend!"

"IS TOO!" We heard Lucas yell from downstairs and chuckled.

"Come on." I nudged her lightly and grabbed her hand.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly. No one managed putting their foot in their mouths either. I helped Camila clear the table and she batted me away from the kitchen, telling me I had done enough for the evening and she sit my gorgeous ass down on the couch and relax. I smirked.

She wanted me.


"Damn your girl is fast on that ice." Normani laughed as she sat beside me by the concession.

Don't I know it.

"And hot." I murmured, sipping on my third hot chocolate of the day.

"Should I be wise and not answer that?" Normani asked, chuckling as I smirked at her. "Nah, Camila loves the game and she shows it. I've come to the conclusion that I rather enjoy playing with her than against her."

I smiled and nodded, watching Normani's profile as she looked down at the rink where the zamboni was polishing the ice for another game later on in the day. "Hey Normani," her grey eyes met mine, chewing on her bottom lip while she fiddled with her jersey, "I'm sorry for everything."

"Don't worry about it," she shrugged it off, "I get where you're coming from. Trust me." She stood up as Camila made our way towards us. "Treat her good though Jauregui or else I make no promises."


"Hey," Normani sat next to me on the couch and smiled.

"Hi." I sat up a little and heard Camila laughing in the kitchen with Sammy and Ryn. Tristan braved the snowstorm to have a smoke.

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