For Dylan

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Camila's PoV

I watched as Lucas blew over her sketchpad, brushing away the eraser crumbs. Her tongue peeked out between her teeth as she scrunched her forehead into a frown, concentrating on her drawing. I peered over her shoulder and noticed it was a drawing of a teenage girl in hockey gear, with the number eleven perfectly situation of front of the sketched jersey.

"Nice drawing." I smiled and slid onto the stool beside her at the breakfast counter.

"Mom!" She screeched and tucked her book away quickly, a scowl donning her features. "You weren't supposed to see that."

"Oh," I nodded slowly and kissed her cheek, "well it's still good."

She blushed. "Thank you."

"So," I looked at the clock, "it's five-thirty in the morning and you're up... on a school day."

"I couldn't sleep." She shrugged and looked at me with her grey eyes. "Are you mad?"

"No." I smiled and ran my fingers through her brushed hair. "Just surprised."

"Dylan's really excited about tonight." Lucas smiled at me. "I think she's going to play really well."

"Me too." I moved to pour her some orange juice. "And to think, she'll get to have her mother there as well." There was no point dancing around the subject. The night before Jaiden walked in with a sleeping Dylan thrown over her shoulder and Normani had a sleeping Lucas over her own. I wasn't able to talk to her about Lauren.

"Blah." Lucas sighed and threw her head forward, smacking it on the counter's surface. She didn't mumble an ow, she just sat there like that, staring at her socked covered feet.

"Baby," I leaned over and bumped her shoulder lightly, "I know this is hard for you. But you have to understand that I have no control over this and if I did," I bit my lip a little, "I still think Dylan deserves to have her mom."

That brought wide grey eyes to mine and she frowned deeply. "You said she was a keeper!"

My fault. I got caught up in the moment and I was about to pay for it.

"Mom!" She hopped off her stool. "You can't just let her take her! I know she did something bad!"

"Luc, you don't understand," I turned to face her, "Lauren's a great person. She was always a great person and something happened that caused her to lose Dylan. She was very upset about it and sad. She has the perfect opportunity to rebuild her life with her daughter and you know what?" I wanted to cry at the unshed tears filtering in Lucas' eyes, but she stood there, waiting for me to continue. "I spent time with Lauren last night and you know she said? She's scared of taking Dylan away from you."

I watched few emotions flicker across her face, as if she didn't know what to say. Finally, her famous frown and pout formed on her face. "Good." She said quietly and ran upstairs to her room.

That time she closed her door quietly.

I sighed and rolled my neck, moaning as it cracked.

"Rough morning?" Normani said from behind me, placing a kiss on my cheek and then moved to grab herself a cup of coffee.

"Ugh." I groaned. "I don't know what to do."

Normani shrugged and gave me a sympathetic look. "Maybe you shouldn't do anything, Mila. You talked about the situation and she just wants her best friend to stay here. She's going to hear what she wants to hear."

How'd she get good at this parenting stuff?

"I'm so thankful you're here with me." I wrapped my arms around her. Aside from Ryn, Normani had been my rock and in fact, she's been there since I gave birth to Lucas.

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