And They Called It Puppy Love

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Lucas' PoV

School was back in session and I was in no mood to listen to my teacher.

Leafs lost their game and I was depressed.

"Do you have an orange marker?" Blake, a taller boy asked me. His hair was nearly shoulder length and he was rather large for his age but he was nice.

I silently handed my marker to him and he thanked me.

"So what did you do on break?" He grabbed his art sketch book and sat at my table. "My brother and I went to Winnipeg to visit my Dad."

"Cool." I murmured and watched him out of the corner of my eye. He was staring at me and there was a look in his eyes that told me...he liked me. "I went to visit my grandparents in Midtown."

"Where's that?" Blake smiled, really willing to listen to me.

"Near Toronto." I picked up a blue pencil crayon and started to shade some of the paper.

"That's cool." He nodded his head and went back to his book.

I thought for a second he'd be quiet but then I felt him looking at me again. "What?" I sighed, my blonde hair falling over my shoulders as I leaned forward.

"Nothing." Blake blushed and smiled a little. "So uh, you play hockey right?"

"Yes," I nodded, putting down my pencil and giving up hope in having some spare drawing time, "why?"

"I'd like to see you play sometime." Blake shrugged. "I've never seen a girl play hockey."

"Then you need to get a life." I rolled my eyes. "My mom played for Team Canada and won the gold in 2010. She was the best player until she was injured."

"Your mom played pro hockey?" Blake looked absolutely in shock. "That's so cool!"

I had to smile and agree. "Luc?" I heard a voice behind me and noticed Hadley standing there with her favourite writing utensil. "I'm having a hard time shading this apple, can you help me?"

I closed my book quickly and glanced at Blake, giving him an apologetic look. "I'll talk to you later, Blake."

He just waved and sighed, moving back to his assigned seat.

"You looked a little uncomfortable." She giggled softly and gave me her pencil and lightly pushing her book towards me. "Plus I really do need help."

I glanced over the paper and then back up at her. "This isn't an apple, Had."

Do you wanna sleepover this weekend?

The tiny letters were scribbled across the page with a 'yes' or 'no' check box.

"My house or yours?" I grinned at her, automatically checking yes.

"Mine! My Aunt Tori is taking care of me again and she likes you. She said if you need to be at practice she's more than willing to wake up and take you." Hadley seemed excited and I knew my mom would have no problem with it.

"Oh hey!" I smiled and rested my arms on the table in front of me. "Dylan and I are officially going to be sisters!"

"Really?" Hadley grinned when I nodded. "So Lauren did propose?"

Okay so it was supposed to be kept a secret but I had to tell Hadley. I found myself telling her everything.

"I'm so excited." I whispered.

The bell rang and it was time for recess. The day was sunny enough and it wasn't that cold, in fact it was the first warmest day of the year.

"Dylan!" I screamed as Hadley and I ran towards our favourite spot in the school yard. "Hi!"

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