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Camila's PoV

The scene that was unfolding before me was almost like it could've been taken from a book. The wind picked up slightly but the Vancouver air was still a light warm breeze. The lake beyond us was shimmering the sunlight off its waves like diamonds – as if it were trying to let us know everything is still peaceful. Lucas was holding my hand as we watched Lauren and Dylan kneel in front of one large gravestone with the last name 'Jauregui' etched into it with beautiful script.

"I wish I could've met them." Lucas barely whispered.

"They would've fell hard for you." I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "You would've loved them too."

Lucas only smiled lightly and bit her lip as she stared at her sister and Momma.

Lauren was wrapped up in a weeping Dylan but I was proud of her for staying strong. I wasn't there for her when she found out her parents had been in a fatal accident. I couldn't even imagine what she went through losing, not only her parents but then getting Dylan taken away from her.

She didn't make the best choices afterwards but I didn't judge her for it. Lauren learned things the hard way and in the end, she came out stronger. Dylan was with her everyday and she was more than thankful for that.

"Should we go see them?" Lucas asked, biting her lip and glancing worriedly over towards the gravesite.

I agreed and we slowly made our way over to them. When they broke apart from their hug, Lauren wrapped an arm my waist and looked back down at the tombstone.

"Sometimes I still think it's all a bad nightmare." She whispered and blew her nose. "Sometimes I feel like I've just talked to my father on the phone or something and yet, here they are..." Her hand shakily gestured to the spot in front of us.

I pulled her tighter against me and kissed the side of her head. "I'm proud of you for being so strong, Lo."

She smiled a little and then caressed my arm that was holding her. "Thank you for being here and I know I keep saying that but you'll never know just how strong you're allowing me to be."

"I think we're all helping each other be strong." I smiled and then felt Dylan move to my other side, grabbing my hand. "We'll make it a habit to keep this place beautiful, okay?"

"With different kinds of flowers?" Dylan asked in a hopeful tone.

"Your choice." Lauren ruffled her hair and then looked down at the stroller where Matthew was sleeping peacefully. "We should get him to the hotel so he can sleep and the girls can eat."

Dylan and Lauren kissed the top of the tombstone while Lucas stood beside them protectively. I heard her mumble something and kissed her fingers pressing them to the granite stone before grabbing her sister's hand.

"To the hotel?" Lauren teary smile broke my heart a little but I could tell that visiting her parents gravesite helped her move on a little and knowing she could come back at any time without feeling alone, it'd just help her even more.

"Then we meet Sofi and hear about this huge news she has." I raised an eyebrow and kissed Lauren softly while grabbing the handles of the stroller.

"She's thinking of starting up a record label. An independent one obviously but she has done a lot of research." Lauren smiled and squeezed my hand. "She asked me to help her out with it."

My eyes widened and I grinned at my gorgeous soon to be wife. "Lo! This is great news! This is so your element."

"Yeah." She laughed softly and brushed some hair out of her eyes.

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