Welcome Back Lauren Jauregui

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Lauren's PoV

I stood before the court and was granted what I was waiting for, for so long.

A chance.

"Leigh Avery, your name has now been changed back to Lauren Jauregui. From here on out you'll be known as Lauren Jauregui and every charge that was made will not affect your current name." A well suited guy said in a formal tone before he took a seat and I was ushered out of the room and into a smaller room.

"Lei- Lauren," Carter, my lawyer, corrected himself, "we've located Dylan."

I sat upright in my seat and hung onto every word he was saying.

"She's about six hours west from here and she's in a foster home." He sighed and took up his glasses, rubbing his face. "You've still got one more date to go through in order to get your visitation rights it's going to take some work given your history."

I licked my lips. "But after that I can see her, right? I can go see my daughter?"

"Yeah," he smiled warmly and patted my hand, "but in the mean time, I suggest you go out and get yourself a job to keep your mind off of things. It's a good start that you finally got your apartment but it will show stronger character in you if you get a job and show you're working hard."

I nodded and pointed at him. "That is a very good idea."

"I know you have millions and though Dylan would be set financially but showing the drive, you have a better chance at a quicker hearing." Carter stood up and shook my hand. "I'll be in touch with the next court date and we'll assign you a case worker. It should only take a couple of weeks."

I nodded and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you Carter."

"Anytime Miss Jauregui." He bowed his head and slipped out the door.

I stretched and for the first time in a long time, a genuine smile graced my lips. I looked out the window on the cold October day and watched the rain pour down onto the road below.

"So, looks like you're doing real well."

I turned around and found Sofi standing there with a smile on her face. I hadn't seen her since the last time while I was still in rehab. "You like to surprise me, don't you?"

Sofi nodded and pulled back from our hug. "Tracey would've loved to be here but she has a game in Ottawa that she couldn't miss."

I nodded and squeezed her hand. "So how is the career coming?" I asked as she took a seat beside me.

"Not so much lately," Sofi blushed and put her head down, "I requested time off but I am looking at dates again to see when I'll be restarting my tour."

"What about studio time?" I frowned. "You wanted to get your next album out by Christmas."

"I pushed it back for March," she shrugged and smiled softly, "don't worry about me Lauren."

Sofi could never call me Leigh. She said it felt weird but whenever she sent cards, she'd put Leigh for Dylan's sake.

"Dylan's in wonderful hands." Sofi blinked and looked at me, reading my thoughts. "She's so grown up yet so tiny for her age."

"She's my princess." I smiled sadly and reached for the picture of her I carried around everywhere. "God Sofi, I miss her so much."

"I know." Sofi sighed and patted my hand. "But she's in one of the best homes ever."

"How does she look?" I asked, I couldn't believe that within the month I was going to be able to see my daughter.

"Well," the rock star grinned excitedly, "she has long hair like you, curly and wavy. She's a miniature Lauren that's for sure." She chuckled and looked out the window. "She's in fourth grade, Cami- uh spending a lot of time in her books allowed her to skip a grade. I guess her other homes never allowed her in school."

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