Her Place

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Camila's PoV


Lauren and I have been talking about the little stuff during our meal at My Place.

I wanted to make her getting the job a bigger deal, but telling her just how happy and proud I was of her sent her to the moon and back, so I thought that was a big deal. She promised to talk more about it when she really got her foot in the door.

I had no problems with that.

Lauren gave me directions to where she wanted me to go. She told me I wouldn't be disappointed and the moment she told me to turn down McLean Avenue, I knew where we were going.

Her house.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Lauren grinned as she opened the door and kicked off her shoes. She turned on a flashlight she had grabbed from her car and searched a box in the hallway. "Ah ha!" She waved candles at me and wiggled her eyebrows. "Jauregui has some charm as well."

"Romantic." I smirked and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, kissing the back of her neck. I looked up and noticed the view Lauren had from her own living room window.

My place.

"Now that is a beautiful view." I murmured against her neck.

"Yeah," Lauren smiled and leaned into me. "Dylan was super excited to know we'd still be in view of your place."

"Lucas too, I'm sure." I added.

We talked about the girls' games coming up and their school grades. I shared stories of Dylan while she was in my care before I knew she was a Jauregui. Lauren shared me younger stories of her daughter and we both realized she had not changed one single bit.

I warned her that it'd change because knowing Lucas, she'd be corrupting her daughter into a 'dark' side.

You know, sleeping in when you're supposed to be getting up for school.

Not going to bed right away when asked.

Talking on the phone for hours.

"Gee," Lauren laughed and nudged me as we sat in the middle of her empty living room of her new house. The room was lit by candles and Lauren thanked herself for having the heat turned on early so she could work on it during the evenings before her and Dylan moved in. "You're making it sound like a blast once my kid hits the age of twelve."

"Eh," I shrugged and looked around the darkened small yet spacious room, "like I said, I don't see Dylan being a problem. Hell Luc isn't a problem, she's just more vocal."

"Yet you can barely get her to go to school?" Her perfect eyebrow rose in question.

"I cheat." I said seriously. "No school, no hockey. No hockey, no happy Luc."

"And one happy Luc makes one happy Camila, right?" Lauren grinned and moved to grab another bottle of Dr. Pepper from her mini-fridge.

"Right." I nodded and frowned, "wait, am I using reversed psychology on myself?"

"You need to stop drinking all this caffeine." Lauren laughed but handed me a Dr. Pepper anyway.

"You need to stop drinking the caffeine," I said seriously, "little Lauren has school tomorrow!"

"Camz," Lauren chuckled and looked at her watch, "it's only after ten."

"Ugh, it's late." I groaned and she continued to laugh at me. "What? I have three meetings tomorrow and one of them is not going to be a happy one."

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