Fluttered Heart

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Lauren's PoV

It was early morning and the sun was just starting to say good morning to the world as it rose over the horizon slowly. It was cold out but it felt nice. I stood on Camila's dock and gazed out at the foggy clouds streaming over the icy river.

I sipped on my hot chocolate and grinned at the thought of telling Camila I was up way early and out of bed willingly without having sex all night. She wouldn't believe me or be stubborn about believing it. Camila was probably just starting to crawl out of the warmth of her bed while I was out of my bed over an hour ago.

I had finished the remainder of the school week smoothly and successfully gained friends in students and the rest of the staff. It was starting to piece together slowly and I couldn't be happier and if I had to be honest with myself, I couldn't help but be proud as well.

Dylan landed in a very great home and even though I had questions for Mr. C, I had to thank him for keeping his promise to Sofi and getting my daughter into a great home. Dylan hadn't felt like talking about the bad homes she was put in before being transferred into Camila's care and I didn't push her to tell me. I just assured her that when she did want to talk about it to not be scared because I would listen to every single word she had to say. She had smiled and thanked me.

I heard footsteps coming down the snowy stairway and down to the dock. I expected to turn around and see my brunette giving me a raised eyebrow grilling me about why I was out so early and in the freezing -32 Celsius weather, but instead I turned to find the shorter version of Camila smiling at me with two pairs of skates tucked underneath her arm.

"I was going to the bathroom when I noticed you were sitting down here," Lucas smiled, her nose already red from the cold wind.

"Lucas, you should be in bed nice and warm." I laughed softly and she shrugged, dropping the skates and sitting in the snow.

"I couldn't sleep anyway." Her grey eyes were bright as her smile threw light into the air. "When I'm way too excited about something, it keeps me up. Mom says that I need to try and break the habit before I get older or it could get worse."

I nodded and offered Lucas a sip of my hot chocolate, which she gratefully accepted and thanked me for politely. "I'm the exact same way."

"You couldn't sleep?" Her eyes danced with curiosity.

"I did sleep." I shrugged and looked out as the sun inched its way higher very slowly above the frozen lake's horizon. "Why are you excited for today?"

"I wanted to skate with you." Lucas blushed and adjusted her beanie hat more securely over her smaller ears. "I grabbed mom's skates because I figured you two wear the same size."

We do.

"Thanks, Luc." I smiled and picked up the skates, looking at them. "How old are these?"

"Pretty old," she shrugged and chuckled, "but she wears them all the time when she's skating out here. They're sharpened and mom would kill me if I touched her good ones she uses for practices. No one touches those, not even Aunt Normani."

That last statement said a lot about Normani and Camila's friendship. They were extremely close, maybe even closer than Camila and Kyla had ever been, but they still liked to compete when it came to hockey.

I watched as Lucas tore off her boots quickly and started to put on her own pair of skates. It still amazed me just how much she looked like Camila, a small clone. She was done in thirty seconds flat and then stood up, testing to see if they were tight enough. "Lauren!" She chuckled, looking at me, "are you going to get those on or what?"

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