The Missing Piece

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Camila's PoV

The week was hell for me, the meetings were way too long and I missed my family. Luckily enough though, the board was looking into better and improved ideas of how to run a successful children's development in bigger cities.

I was able to spend most of my time with my dad though, seeing as he was a part of the Board of Directors. Kyla had slipped away from Midtown to visit me in the city, leaving Austin with the kids for a couple of days.

"I can't believe you're leaving already!" Kyla whined as she helped me pack my suitcase. "It feels like you just got here."

"I know and I'd love to stay but I'm going out of my mind without Lauren and the kids at my side." I replied honestly, sighing sadly.

"Oh my God, Matthew looks so adorable." Kyla gushed for the millionth time over the photos I had of the girls and Matthew together in my wallet. "Is he a keeper?"

I glanced at her and bit my lip. "I promised I'd find him a really great home."

"And you did." Kyla smiled and winked.

"Lauren and I haven't talked about it but," I paused and picked at the sweater that was in my hands, "I wouldn't be opposed to the topic of adoption."

Kyla shrieked and wrapped her arms around me. "You guys are so freaking meant to be. I swear if I wasn't so self absorbed and trying to keep Austin a secret back in high school, I would've caught on eventually."

"I still can't believe you slept with the guy I was seeing." I pulled a face and she smacked me on the arm. "What? I know it was a long time ago blah blah. But still Ky, scraping my left over's?"

"Ha ha." She responded dryly. "When did you and Lo start seeing each other anyway?"

I smirked. "Remember that one day, I had a double header with the team and I was meeting everyone for breakfast before the games started?" She nodded, listening intently, "well remember when no one could find Lauren and you came looking for me in the locker room?"

"Uh huh..." Kyla raised an eyebrow.

"Well I had you get Sofi for a reason that morning. She kind of knew about us and at that moment, Lauren was naked in the shower with me." If it were twelve years ago and I was relaying this information to Kyla, I'd be nervous as hell but at that moment I couldn't help but carry a smug and satisfied smile.

"Oh." Kyla nodded before her eyes went wide. "Oh my God!!"

I laughed and threw an article of clothing at her. "What, you asked."

"No! I didn't ask when you two had sex for the first time." She stuck her tongue before wiping her face with her hands. She was probably wiping the naughty visuals out of her head. "Really though? Your first time was in the arena's shower stall?"

"Hot, Kyla. It was so fucking hot and good." I reminded her.

"Okay yea, ew." Kyla laughed and stuffed my suitcase with more clothes. "When did you guys become involved romantically?"

"About a month after she moved in with Austin. I was helping her with a paper and then before I knew it, my lips were sealed to hers. Things heated up pretty quickly, both sexually and romantically. For a while there she ignored me because she realized that she was messing around with her cousin's girl but then she was at my door one night, telling me she was in love with me. We snuck around for a little while until I just couldn't lead Austin on like that anymore." I smiled at the fond memories of our teenaged years.

"Aww." Kyla sniffled and pulled me into a hug. "I used to wonder if Austin was only with me because he knocked me up but he's the sweetest husband and a perfect dad. So thank you for breaking up with him."

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