You Too

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Camila's PoV

Lucas went with Jaiden to Rapture for a couple of hours. She wanted Dylan to go with her but I had told her I needed time with the small brunette to talk about tomorrow's meeting. My nerves were already shot and when Lucas slammed the front door behind her, it only made it worse.

Lucas had an immediate grudge against Lauren and in her eleven year old mind, I couldn't blame her really. Her greatest friend ever was slowly being yanked from her grasp and she had no control over it.

"I'm done." Dylan came out of the downstairs bathroom in her pajama bottoms and a hoodie with her hair still damp. She liked to bath in the evenings after dinner. It was a cute quirk. "I'm excited about playing hockey with Lucas tomorrow."

I smiled as she curled up against me on the couch. Her dark curls still dripping from the excess water. I got up and grabbed a towel, gently towel drying her hair. She looked so much like Lauren.

How could I have not seen it before?

"Hey," I began in a whisper and threw the towel towards the kitchen floor.

I'd pick it up later.

"I have good news for you," I continued and settled back down on the couch. I took a deep breath and her green eyes waited patiently for me to continue, "I'll be meeting with your mom tomorrow-"

"Really?!?!" Dylan screamed with a high pitched voice and she was bouncing on the floor in two seconds flat. "Really Camila? Really?"

I had to smile at the excitement in her voice. I had come to the conclusion that with the way Dylan's eyes lit up every time she shared a memory about Lauren, I knew deep down Lauren couldn't have let her daughter get caught up in the system on purpose.

"Really." I smiled and pulled her to sit down before I sank to my knees and clasped her small hands in mine. "It's just a meeting between us grown-ups at first okay? Your mom is able to ask my any questions about you..." I paused, "is there anything you would like me to tell her?"

"I love her and I miss her." Dylan's eyes dropped to my hands that held hers before casting her green eyes back on mine. "And that you're the best second mom any kid could ask for." She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed me tight.

It took everything in me not to break down just then.

Dylan Jauregui was definitely like a daughter to me.

I didn't want to see her leave the family.

"I can do that." I whispered when she tucked her head in my neck, never loosening her grip.

"When can I see her?" Dylan finally pulled back and the look on her face looked worrisome; like she had to wait another year to see her mother.

"Let's see how tomorrow goes," I smiled back softly, "I'm sure by the weekend, you'll be able to see her again."

Dylan had the biggest smile on her face and she squirmed around, showing how giddy she was. "Do you think she will like you?"

"M-me?" I stammered a bit.

"Well yea," Dylan ducked her head sheepishly, "my mommy likes girls like you do. It'd be cool to have my two favourite mommies be my real mommies." She got up off the couch and kissed my cheek before making her way up to her room.

I sat there, replying her words in my head.

"Do you think she will like you?"

"She used to love me." I whispered to no one.

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