Tomorrow, Tomorrow

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Camila's PoV

"So I was thinking," Ryn's voice echoed through the phone, "you shouldn't come to work today."

Excuse me?

"What?" I frowned, munching on a bowl of Frosted Flakes. "I've got clients today too, you know!"

"Mila," she sighed loudly and I heard her munching on cereal as well, "you know that it's not a good idea given your history with this woman."

She was right.

But I didn't care.

"I need to work," I mumbled, "I can't just sit around the house all day. Tracey already cleaned it spotless before her and whatsherface took off last night."

"Real mature," I could hear Ryn's eyes roll, "whatsherface? She's your sister and she has a name!"

I swallowed the last spoonful and threw my bowl into the sink. "Girls?!" I covered the phone and yelled upstairs. "If you don't come down here right now I'm eating the last of the Flakes dude!"

I smirked when footsteps came echoing loudly down the stairs and they both jumped on the stools, looking at me with wide eyes and opened mouths. I snickered and poured them each a small glass of orange juice and a bowl of cereal.

"Are you going to comment on the mature thing?" Ryn asked.

"No." I muttered.

"Okay," she huffed, "well back on the work subject."

I looked at the girls and smiled, dismissing myself from them, making my way to the back study room. "Ryn, I have a huge meeting and I really don't want to miss it."

"Mila, you can reschedule."

"Look, I won't leave my office unless I absolutely have to but this meeting cannot be rescheduled." I insisted. "It's already been cancelled twice from the other party."

"Stay in your office and don't you dare come near mine." Ryn scolded me and I smiled.

She was just protecting me.

She knew I couldn't get much more involved than I already was, without bringing personal feelings into it all.

I knew that as well.

"See you later, Ryn." I said softly.

"Later, way later!" Ryn's voice could be heard before I hung up on her.

I made my way back in the kitchen and found Dylan packing up her school bag. She looked up at me and smiled. "Can I join hockey?"

Lucas grinned and smiled at me while packing her own bag with her homework. "I think she's ready!"

I didn't want to get her hopes up high just in case.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen when Lauren took Dylan back into her own care.

"How about you come to practice with Lucas tomorrow night, we'll get you geared up and see how things go." I smiled and Dylan squealed, giving Luc a high five. "Now get your boots and coats on, it's school time."


Lauren's PoV

I noticed her name on the wall with the list of offices.

Camila Cabello – Office A2.

She always said if she couldn't play hockey for the rest of her life, she'd get into this type of environment. Camila was good with people and children. I could only imagine just how good she treated Dylan and how perfect she raised her own daughter.

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