Underneath The Cabello Household

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Camila's PoV

"I can't believe you were asked for your autograph Camila!" Dylan grinned at me as I held onto her hand tight, walking through the packed Toronto airport. It was the day after Christmas and everywhere was crazy.

"I've still got it." I winked and she giggled. We stopped by the washrooms where Lucas and Lauren made a pit stop.

"Mommy!" Dylan bounced and tugged on Lauren's jacket. "Camila just got asked for her autograph!"

Lauren's eyes flickered to mine and a smile appeared on her face. "Really? You mean I'm dating a famous person?"

"Heck yeah," I nodded firmly and Lucas rolled her eyes, "so treat me well."

"Huh," Lauren laughed, "I think it should be the other way around."

"Auntie Sofi!" Lucas screamed excitedly, causing everyone's heads to turn toward my sister in a blonde wig with sunglasses on.

"Hey there squirt!" Sofi dropped her knees to envelope her niece into a hug. "You're getting so big."

"It's only been a month," Lucas laughed and beckoned us over with the motion of her hand, "you remember Camila right? Your sister?"

"Luc." I frowned and she just shrugged, her arm still wrapped tightly around Sofi's neck.

"Hey," Sofi stood up looking at us while gripping onto Lucas' hand, "it's really nice to see you again."

I let out a smile and a sigh, throwing my arms around her. I felt both her hands come around me and squeeze me a little tighter. I guess tears were normal to fall given our situation. We clutched onto each other as people rushed passed to claim their luggage or loved ones.

"I'm sorry." Sofi's voice cracked and I sighed, pulling back. I cupped her face and wiped the tears off her cheeks. "Mila, I'm so sorry."

"I know." I whispered and stepped back a bit. I looked over at Lauren to find her with tears clouding her own gaze. "Oh baby," I smiled softly and pulled her towards us and before I knew it, Lauren and Sofi were clutching at each other tightly, crying just as hard as we were.

"No more fighting," Lucas whispered, "it hurts too much."

"Yeah." Dylan nodded with a sombre expression. "I missed Auntie Sofi." Her cheeks turned rosy as she blushed at her name for my sister.

"I missed you too." Sofi wiped her eyes and swung Dylan around, hugging her close.

"Okay," I threw my hands up in the air and grabbed Dylan's hand in one and Lauren's in the other, "let's get out of here so we can surprise Nana and Grandpa."


Welcome to Midtown – Population 10,837

Lauren and I shared a look at the same old ratty sign hung high on its poles. We had just finished renting a car in the city and made the hour drive back to my hometown in a slower speed because of the icy roads. I looked in the review mirror to find Sofi behind us, her young passengers keeping her entertained.

"She looks good." Lauren said in a happy tone, watching the snowy scenery pass us by. "Sofi looks like she's gained some healthy weight. She was getting way too skinny there like every other celebrity in the business."

"I agree." I smiled and turned the heater up a bit more. "I may not really forgive her fully Lo. When I was pregnant with Lucas, she just left me, you know? I can understand why she was upset but to just leave and don't get me wrong, I'm happy she looked out for you, but I'm her sister."

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