All In A Day, Part Two

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Lucas' PoV

I watched the other kids play games that Jason's parents had set up. I wasn't feeling too good; maybe it was the early morning chocolate. My stomach hurt and I was told to sit and watch until I felt better.

"Are you okay?" I turned to see Hadley smiling at me with her blonde curls pulled up in a ponytail. "Dylan said you were sick."

I smiled and nodded. "I'm okay, just had too much sugar I think."

"I hate when I feel like that." Hadley laughed and scooted closer. "Are you having fun?"

"I am." I nodded and glanced back at Dylan, who was laughing at something Jason said in her ear.

"Are you two really sisters?" Hadley asked with some curiosity. "I heard a boy say that you were."

I laughed a little and shrugged. "Sometimes it feels like it."

"I had a friend once, her name was Lily," she grinned although it seemed a little sad, "she ended up moving with her mom to be with her Auntie in Oregon. We were like sisters though, I miss her."

"I'm sorry Hadley," I offered quietly and squeezed her hand in my own briefly. "Dylan's mom came back, but thankfully she's not taking her away."

"Good," her blue eyes held mine, "cause I hate to see you sad. You get sad a lot when Dylan's hurt or someone picks on her."

"Meanies." I shrug and standing up, bringing her with me. "Did you want to play with the other kids?"

Hadley looked at the group of kids from Dylan's age to mine as they sat around in a circle. "Are you going too?"

I looked over at the empty table that had paper and crayons on it. "I was going to draw."

She smiled. "Then I'll keep you company."

We sat quietly for a few minutes before I looked up at Hadley while she was blowing a few stray curls from her eyes. She was concentrating hard on whatever she was drawing and I smiled, feeling myself blush just like I did whenever I'd see Jaiden. "Had?"

"Hmm?" She peeked up from her paper with a soft grin.

"Did you want to play with Dylan and me at recesses?" I asked her, feeling a nervous flutter in my stomach.

"Really?" Hadley grinned even wider and I nodded. "Yes!"

"Cool." I nodded and licked my lips. "Had?"

"Hmm?" She peered at me again.

"I like you." I confessed, a warm feeling rushing through my cheeks.

But then I noticed she was as red as I was feeling and her grin turned into a shyer smile. "I like you too, Luc."

I blushed openly and went back down to my drawing. It was no longer of a hockey player with the number '11' on the jersey – it was a curly haired girl drawing her own picture across from me.


Lauren's PoV

I pulled up to her driveway and heard laughter coming from down by the snowy docks. I placed my bag down on the porch and noticed Camila and Normani in a game of one on one on the homemade rink on the ice.

It was kind of like old times, watching them play together and against each other in their games. Camila had pushed her into a snow bank, scoring a goal. She was never gentle with Normani and that kind of gave me some satisfaction.

"That was a pussy push, Cabello!" I heard Normani yell as she brushed herself off.

"Whatever loser," Camila laughed, "you got your ass beat again and you're just embarrassed."

"Embarrassed?" Normani laughed. "No one's here to see that you won!"

I smirked.

Should I have made myself known?

"People will believe me." Camila said seriously as she stopped skating around Normani.

"Who, Lauren?"

"Fuck yeah she will." Camila laughed and I decided to keep myself quiet a little bit longer.

"I still have to wonder why she isn't here." I heard Normani chuckle. "You two have the perfect opportunity to have the house to yourselves for some hot lesbian sex."

"If you thought she was here, why'd you drop by?" Camila asked.

"Maybe I wanted some action too- ouch!" I watched quietly as Camila shoved her back in the snow.

"I will not be sharing Lauren, thank you." Camila knelt down beside the other woman. "Eat snow, bitch." She laughed and shoved snow down Normani's jersey, earning a yelp.

I laughed and shook my head at how immature they still were but it also made me happy to know that Camila was just as loyal to me as ever. Regardless.

"You totally missed my mouth and put that down my shirt on purpose!" Normani screeched. "I knew you wanted me!"

"In your dreams!" The brunette sang and I noticed them taking off their skates.

I remained still, not caring if they saw me standing at the top of the long stairs.

Normani reached me first and her smile grew. "Hey sex kitten."

"How's the snow?" I raised an eyebrow and she stuck her tongue out, walking passed me. "Hey." I grinned when Camila reached me and smiled wide. "Nice teenager act."

"Mmm, care for an encore?" Camila waggled her eyebrows, taking off her beanie cap. "I'm all sweaty... I could use a nice hot shower..."

"Camz!" I warned and stepped away. "Your hormones never turn off, do they?"

"Do yours?" She raised an eyebrow.

"So not the point." I laughed and shook my head, following her to the house, but not before grabbing her hockey stick and helmet. I missed doing that for her.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here?" Camila asked, her arm looping through mine.

"Hoping we'd have some hot crazy lesbian sex on your bedroom floor again." I shrugged and she turned to face me, jaw slacked.

"I knew it was somewhere other than the bed!" Normani laughed and stopped as soon as Camila glared at her. "Okay well I'm going to go and uh, find me a hot brunette with blue eyes who is currently out with a hot teenager... yea, see you tonight."

Camila looked at me again and raised an eyebrow, her fingers grabbing my hips. "So, about that sex..."

"How about we start the dinner?" I suggested and kissed her on the cheek.

"That sounds kinky but," Camila shrugged, "sex sounds better."

Once in the house, Camila went straight towards the kitchen and I followed her. We got into an easy routine of grabbing the things we needed to fix the dinner. There was no occasion, just a reason to visit I guess.

I looked at the clock and realized it was about time the girls would be getting dropped off by Jason's parents.

"Whew," Camila spun around after mixing the salad and placing it in the fridge, "I think all we have to do is throw the roast in the oven and start the potatoes."

"Good." I nodded and wiped my hands on a towel after doing up a few of the dishes. I had to admit that this side of Camila, the mother and housewife part of her was just, captivating. Then she looked at me with those husky chocolate eyes and I laughed, shaking my head, "put those sex eyes away Camz."

"These aren't my sex eyes Lauren," Camila blinked with a coy smile. "Okay, they are."

I knew it.

"Come on," I smiled as I heard the front door open with the girls' laughter filling the house yet again. "And Normani calls me the sex kitten." I muttered.

"You so are." Camila mumbled and enveloped Dylan in a hug.

Everything seemed to be going to smooth, I loved it.

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