Picture Perfect

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Lauren's PoV

Camila had asked me how my interview went with the school and I had bravely left out every detail by changing the subject.

Truth was, I wasn't sure how my interview went at that point. The Principal and the school board seemed interested enough. I had Grammy awards under my belt for best writer, composer and instrumentalist. I had dozens of others as well as high musical education. But that didn't matter at the end of the day, what mattered was what sort of creativity and music I could bring to the high school students.

They had me do a few tests while there and even though I knew I passed them, I was still on edge. Getting the job was a huge deal to me. I wanted it.

I didn't need it, but I wanted it.

I had just gotten off the phone with the head guru.

I got the job and I was to start the next day.

It was exciting for me to have things start to piece together after living a life I loathed for over a year and a half. It felt like I could really move on and just be on my own with my daughter and hopefully build things back up with Camila and Lucas.

"Earth to Lauren Jauregui!" I looked over to find Lucas waving a fry in my face. "Where'd you go?"

Tuesday afternoon and I was on 'pick up' duty with the girls. Dylan was by the grand piano in Rapture, waiting for Camila. It seemed that for the last couple of days, Camila and I had switched little partners.

"Sorry," I laughed softly and shook my head, "I zoned."

"Huh," her grey eyes studied me and she raised an eyebrow, "do that a lot?"

I shrugged with a grin.

"So that's where Dylan gets it from." Lucas chuckled and took a sip of her strawberry milkshake. "So mom said you two were going out tonight."

"We are." I nodded and I tried my best to hide the kiddish smile that wanted to creep up on my face.

"Where too?" Her grin didn't help me any and I had to smile that kiddish smile. "Ou, are you blushing?"

The thing about Lucas Cabello is that she was just like her mother. She had that non-serious side to her yet she could really hold an adult conversation.

"You are not allowed to know that." I narrowed my eyes playfully and Lucas giggled, pulling out her sketch book.

"Can I show you something?" She asked, her voice immediately going quiet. I nodded and she took a deep breath. "I showed this to my teacher and he suggested that I take up art class next year or join art club after Christmas." She opened her book and skimmed through half of it before landing on the picture she wanted to share with me. Wow.

One word for you.

Fucking talented.

"I couldn't figure out the shading but I tried." Lucas blushed and shrugged as I stared intently at the beautiful pencil marks that put the word 'perfection' to shame. It was a sketch of me playing the piano. How did she get that picture? "Mom has a bunch of pictures locked away from her younger days," she said quickly as if she were reading my mind, "she doesn't know I took it so please don't tell her?"

"Wow Lucas," I breathed in awe, not caring about the subject of her drawing but the actual talent behind it, "this is absolutely beautiful and amazing."

"Oh." Lucas blushed even redder and put her eyes down towards the table. "You're not mad that I drew you?"

"No." I shook my head and gave her a soft smile. "I'm actually flattered."

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