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Lauren's PoV

Two more days until Camila and I had to be at work and the girls were back to school.

Two more days of blistering uninterrupted happiness in my bed with the woman of my dreams.

Normani had taken the girls to the Leafs game in the city and made a weekend out of it. That left the newly engaged couple all alone.

Free to do whatever we pleased.

And pleased we did.

Over and over.

"You're thinking about sex again, aren't you?" Camila giggled, looking up from her book on her side of the bed.

"Definitely." I moved closer to her side and nibbled on her ear briefly. "I know we need time to cool off for a bit."

Camila sighed with a lazy smile. "Baby, we've done things we've never done before. I'm still in orgasmic bliss."

Who knew Camila was that flexible?

"Well we'll be repeating that position frequently." I purred and stood up from the bed. "I'm going to make dinner, any suggestions?"

She pulled on her jersey and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Whatever you decide, I'll eat."

I changed my mind, having dinner alone and naked was all too tempting. I'd starve her if it meant staying in bed for the next two days. "You wanna get out for a bit? We haven't seen Chase and Ephiny since before Christmas. I miss their food." I rubbed my belly.

"I think fresh air might be good for us," Camila agreed and grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater. "I'm going to shower, care to join?"

"Uh, duh!" I smirked and followed her towards the bathroom.


"So how long were you planning on asking me to marry you?" Camila asked, her lips wrapped around the straw to her Dr. Pepper. We sat in our regular booth at Rapture.

"Awhile." I smiled shyly. "Lucas and I conspired the whole thing, but I had to change venues since we were going to spend Christmas in Midtown. It worked out a whole lot better than I imagined."

"It was perfect." Camila whispered in awe. "Was Lucas playing the piano a part of that?"

"Not live?" I squeaked and she chuckled. "I mean I taught her that one music sheet you wrote a long time ago. We were going to have her record it and then I'd play it through the stereo. But..." I watched her eyes twinkle, "since I lost that bet on the ski hill, she got to play it live."

"That was the bet?" Camila's face was chalked full of surprise when I nodded. "Wow, I don't think I like the idea of you two conspiring against me – especially when she gets older."

"I'm just thankful she likes me." I shrugged a little and grinned. "She calls me Momma and it feels awesome inside Camz."

A dreamy gaze was evident on her face as well. "Yeah, I know how you feel. Dylan's still warming up but whenever she does my heart races."

"Ahhh!" Ephiny came out from the back, clapping her hands. "You're back! Tell me everything!"

"Hi to you too, Eph." Camila smirked and allowed herself to be wrapped up in a hug by the older Wynters woman. "I think we have some good news to tell you."

"Sofi has been forgiven so all is right in the Cabello world." I intercepted with an amused grin. "I got to see my family for the first time in over a decade and-"

"-Lauren and I are getting married." Camila nearly jumped out of her seat with excitement, shoving her left hand in Ephiny's face.

"No shit, for real this time?" Ephiny shot me a smirk and eyed the ring. "That's so beautiful, where'd you get it?"

"Chase helped me pick it out." I winked.

"What?" The older brunette pouted. "But she got to help the last time! She knew?"

"She knew what?" Chase picked that time to come out with our meals with a glow to her. "Extra cheesy nachos for my two favourite little lesbians."

"You knew Lauren was going to propose?" Ephiny peered up at her wife. "You didn't even tell me?"

"I'm sorry babe," Chase kissed Ephiny lightly. "In all fairness Lauren threatened to beat my ass if I did."

"Like you couldn't break that twig in half?"

"Hey!" Camila and I both shouted.

"I'll make it up to you. I have plenty of secrets that are worthwhile." The blonde winked and went back to work.

"Women." Ephiny shook her head and stood up.

"At least you're getting sex out of it. She said she'd make it up to you, I'm sure she meant with one of your many fantasies." Camila threw out there casually.

Ephiny stood there briefly with her mouth hung open slightly. "Uh," she cleared her throat, "Chase! Is Jaiden working tonight?!" And she was off.

"You think we'll be like that when we're older?" I asked, watching the older couple embrace in a romantic hug before going their separate ways to work.

"Of course. We're going to be just like we are now." Camila nodded, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Hot, horny and in love?" I smirked back at her.

"Exactly." She nodded firmly and started to dig into the nachos.

I hoped the girls were having a good time in Winnipeg with Normani.

I missed my daughters but I had to admit it was nice to finally spend alone time with Camila.

Sofi would be stopping by within the week before heading off to Vancouver then Australia to rehearse for her World Tour.

Camila and Kyla were already emailing back and forth about the wedding plans.

Even though life looked busy ahead, I had to admit I didn't mind.

I stared at Camila who was eating quietly with a small smile graced upon her face.

Yeah, I didn't mind one single bit.

That woman was mine forever.

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