When I Grow Up

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Sofi's PoV

"Would you turn that shit down?" I heard Alex say as he approached the living room in his sweats and hoodie.

I was watching a TV movie but it soon ended and I was too lost in thought to notice that the local news was now blaring through my childhood living room. "Sorry." I muttered and turned the TV off completely.

"Okay Sofi, what's wrong?" Alex sat on the other couch and looked at me. "You're sulking."

"I am not." I scowled and blew hair out of my eyes. "I was enjoying the news thank you."

"Yea? They were talking about how Tracey's team lost again." Alex's brown eyes gleamed mischievously at me.

"What?" I sat up straight in panic and then me eyes narrowed when the older man started to laugh. I leaned over and punched Alex hard in the leg, causing a Charlie horse.

"Ow, bitch!" He yelled and started to massage out the muscle. "Is it your time of the month?"

"Alex," Dad warned as he walked past the living room, "wouldn't touch that button if I were you."

"Yea, Alex," I smirked and patted his balding head. For a man who was just over thirty, he sure lost a lot of hair fast.

"Here I thought my children were grown up." Mom stopped in the arch way. "Apparently only Camila has that down pat."

"Whatever." Alex rolled his eyes and I glared at my mother.

"I am grown up!" I scoffed and followed her into the kitchen. "I work my ass off actually and I'm engaged!"

"Camila worked her ass off in high school and she was engaged too." Mom pointed out and I squinted at her. "I'm not making a comparison Sofia, I'm just saying. I have a thirty something year old son sleeping on my couch while my beautiful and talented baby girl is crashing in her old bedroom. What is going on?"

"Alex's wife kicked him out of his house and I hate sleeping in my own house when no one's with me." I pouted.

Tracey was gone still. Her hockey tour started a little over a week before and it was excruciating being alone without her.

"Sofi," she put down her chopping knife and looked at me sternly, "you've lived on the road for the better part of your adulthood so far, what is wrong with being in your own home?"

"Do you not want me here?" I asked, oddly feeling a little hurt.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. You know you're always welcome here but what is really holding you back?" She frowned a little, trying to understand.

Mom had been playing mediator between Camila and I since everything fell apart. She wanted the both of us to get along like we used too but she understood the reasons behind both of us.

I didn't know how because my own reasoning was in question with myself.

"Smells good," Alex came into the kitchen and took over chopping up the red peppers, "I've got this Ma."

"Thanks." Mom smiled and winked at me. "You two let your father and I know when dinner is ready."

I pulled up a stool and picked at the counter, watching my older brother finish the peppers before moving onto preparing the pasta noodles. "How's Hannah?" I asked quietly and he stopped briefly, not looking at me but not answering me either. "Alex, I know you don't like talking about it but I'm here if you want too."

"Hannah's fine," Alex finally sighed and stopped what he was doing, "Sarah's really making this whole custody thing a bitch though. Women are so manipulative."

Hannah was Alex's five year old daughter and his ex-wife Sarah pretty much was taking my brother for everything he was worth. She had no reason; she was just that big of a bitch.

Poor Hannah was suffering through it all.

"When's the custody hearing?" I asked softly.

"Next week. I mean all I really want is for my daughter to spend time with her grandparents, you know? Is that too much to ask? I'm a great father, right Sofi?" He looked at me a little worried.

"Yeah man," I nodded and leaned over to pat his arm gently, "you're the best father I know."

Alex offered a smile and shrugged. "Mila would be telling me to get my ass down to that court sooner and demand at least weekend visits."

Camila knew what to say in pretty much any situation.

"Have you spoken to her recently?" I asked quietly, picking at the counter again.

Alex shared a sympathetic look that told me he had. "She called a couple of days ago and I happened to answer. She said Lauren has a job teaching music at the high school and Dylan's all settled in with her in their own house."

I smiled. I was proud of Lauren's progress. "Are her and Camila..."

"Happy. Very happy." Alex wasn't around much in our teen years. He found his own life in College and stayed away from the family. It was a shame though, because he'd only really met Lauren at the beginning of her stay in Midtown years ago and was introduced to her again briefly during Camila's graduation – in that awkward moment. "Look Sofi, just call her. I know she said she didn't want to hear from you but please, maybe that's exactly what she's waiting for you to do."

I nodded and remained silent.

"I don't understand how all three Cabello's ended up liking women." Alex snorted.

"Four." I muttered. Five if you counted Dad.

"Four?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Mom had a girlfriend right before she met Dad." I looked at him stunned. "You never knew that?"

Alex's eyes widened. "I need to start being home more often." He shook his head and went back to making dinner.

I pulled out my more than expensive phone and scrolled through my contacts, stopping at 'C'.

I miss you, wish we could talk. I sent the text and moved off the stool.

I just needed a sense of familiarity.

I kissed my older brother on the cheek and made my way up to my childhood room.

My phone beeped.

Miss you 2 Sofia. B in town in a few days. Catch up then.

I smiled and closed my phone, placing it down beside me on the bed. I waited a few minutes before I picked it up again, scrolling through the contacts and stopped at 'C' again. I hit the talk button and swallowed as it started dialling.

"You've reached The Cabello slash part time Jauregui residence, call back later because we have better things to do, obviously."

I took a deep breath and licked my lips. "Hey Camila, it's me. I just wanted to see how you and all your ladies were doing..."

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