Just Another Phone Call

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Camila's PoV

"I know this isn't what you wanted to hear," Kyla sighed on the other side of the line, "Austin didn't know the company would be flying him away a week before Christmas."

"Don't you hate it when he's good at what he does?" I chuckled and tapped my fingers on my desk, eyeing the clock. It was just after five late afternoon and Lucas and Dylan had their school Christmas concert that evening. They stayed behind at school for last minute rehearsals, both girls singing and dancing in a few routines as 'Santa's' elves. It had been two weeks since that dinner at Lauren's and Dylan's.

Everything was going so perfect. Lauren had late percussion band practice she was teaching so I was the mother going to pick the girls up at their school, feed them and then meet Lauren back at the school before the concert began.

"Promise me you're not upset Mila, I feel really bad." I could tell she felt bad.

"I promise. Lucas was looking forward to seeing Anton and Cailyn for Christmas but it's not like we can't make it for a different time." As an adult I understood just how fast plans could change. I missed the Mahone family, even Mr and Mrs Mahone. "Dylan is excited to meet your kids though. She hears about them all the time."

I had told Kyla and Austin the whole story about how Dylan came to us and into my care. I also revealed who her parent was. Kyla freaked and fainted. Austin however, knew about Dylan but was asked by Lauren not to say anything given the condition she was in when he found her. Apparently he honoured his promise hardcore because he never mentioned that meeting to Kyla.

She heard it from me.

"I still can't believe Lauren has a daughter! I know you told me this over a couple of months ago, but still! I really want to meet her." Kyla sighed. "But from the picture you sent me, she is a spitting image of her mom."

"I know. Heartbreaker written all over her beautiful mini-Lauren face." I smiled like a proud mother.

And I was one.

"She'll be wooing the women just like her too." My best friend laughed.

"Doubtful," I smirked, "Dylan has a huge crush on a boy named Jason, this cute blonde in her class."

"Well then she takes after you," she laughed, "you had a crush on Troy Minor at age nine."

"Troy had silky long hair. I was merely jealous." I argued. "Besides, I'm so gay. I'm gayer than Normani."

"Is that even possible?" Kyla's voice sounded amused. "Did she finally give up getting into your pants?"

I laughed out loud. "Please Ky, you know Normani will always want me," I teased and we both shared a laugh, "actually, she has a girlfriend."

A gasp could be heard. "You mean a twenty-four hour, seven days a week, girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah," I breathed, "you know her too."

"Please tell me it's not that Aimee skank you were using to scratch your itches?" Kyla made a gagging sound over the phone.

I winced. When had I found it okay to use someone? I briefly became that person I really disliked in high school.

What was I thinking?

I was just lucky Lauren wasn't holding it against me.

"Actually no," I looked at the clock again and knew I had only a few more minutes before I had to leave to head to Keewatin Public to pick up the girls. "Samantha Taylor."

"Oh. My. God!" Kyla squealed. "I knew it! Even in college when Sam was with Sofi and we were hanging out or at your games, that weird sexual tension flowed between those two. I can't believe it took them until now."

"Believe it." I made a face. Seeing a love-struck Kordei was weird enough as it was. "Lauren thinks it's great."

"Mila! I'm such an idiot, I didn't even ask how things are between you two."

I smiled. Ever since Lauren moved into her new house, we barely spent a night a part, four at most. I was finding it pointless in a way, to have us living in separate houses but you know, that adult part of me understood. Lauren needed to re-experience all of it. I was just lucky to be living it with her.

"She's amazing." I couldn't even hide the loving tone that oozed from my voice.

"You never did stop loving her." Kyla simply stated. "Is she wooing you?"

"Oh Kyla, she's done more than 'woo' me." I half chuckled and half groaned at the images of Lauren having me writhe heavy and hard beneath her.

"Gross!" She screeched with a laugh. "I see you two are picking up right where you left off – only with two kids."

"Yeah," I smiled, looking at the picture on my desk of the four of us in a booth at Rapture, "we're becoming quite the family."

Kyla softly laughed. "Oh Camila," I could feel her grin, "if anything," she whispered, "you and Laur were always a family – it just took you over a decade to find your way back to each other again."

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