My Star

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Lauren's PoV

I did it. I did something no one would've expected of me and I couldn't have felt happier with my choice. I was only twenty one and I finally got my hands on the millions that my parents had stashed away for me. I put all of it but at least thirty grand away so that I wouldn't spend it on anything.

"Hey," Sofi sat beside me on our deck and handed me a cold water, "you look lost in thought."

"I am." I smiled and shrugged, taking a sip from the bottle. "When you make a huge decision in your life that will change everything, do you ever feel overwhelmed?"

"Sometimes." Sofi smiled and raised an eyebrow at me. "Why? What are you gonna change?"

I took a deep breath and handed her the folded piece of paper. She blinked and frowned before opening it up but stopped to look at me one more time. "What is this?"

"I went to the doctors, actually I've been doing this for months now but the results came back and," I swallowed, "I'm going to have a baby."

Sofi stared at me, mouth open before her face went slightly red. "What?"

"Yea," I smiled and took the paper, "I'm pregnant."

"Oh fuck me." Sofi sighed painfully and rubbed her temples. "Doesn't the term 'lesbian' mean you don't fucking sleep with men?!"


Baby C was pissed.

"Of course!" I sat up straight and frowned.

"Well goddamn it!" She stood up and paced slightly. "Camila slept with a guy and she's a 'lesbian', so what, is it a new fucking trend I'm not aware of?"

"Sofi!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit in my lap, "Calm down, I didn't sleep with any guy. That's gross."

Sofi shook her head and looked at me confused. "Wha?"

"Camila..." I swallowed dryly.

"I meant Austin." She whispered quickly, looking away and I sighed somewhat with relief. "So, what?" She asked again, looking more confused then ever.

"I went to the cryobank," I said softly, "I've thought about it for a while, you know? I want a family, someone I can take care of and share love with."

"But Lauren," Sofi frowned, "we have this whole career thing going, why now?"

"I won't let it ruin this," I said assuring her.

"Well," she frowned and got off my lap to kneel and face me completely, "are you happy with this?"

"You know it." I gave popped a kiss on her forehead. "I'm going to be a mother." I patted my still flat stomach and Sofi finally let out a grin.

"Wow, how do your parents feel about this?"

"I haven't told them yet, you're the only one that knows." I took another sip of my water. "Sofi," I grabbed her chin, "I promise we're still going to get that record out and we're going to make history, you and me."

Sofi nodded with a soft grin. "I know, I believe you."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "I've never felt so alive."


That was a lie. I was alive once, when I was with my high school sweetheart - my ex-fiancée. As hard as it was to believe, there was not a day that went by without a thought of her that filtered through my head. I kicked myself so hard when I never followed her to Quebec City after graduation. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought that when we finished following our own individual dreams, we'd somehow meet up in the middle and be perfect once again.

The day I gave birth to my beautiful baby, I knew I had found some renewed hope.


"Oh God, this cannot be happening!" I screamed and hurdled over in pain as another contraction occurred.

Sofi dropped the overnight bag and helped me into my mustang. "Shit Laur, you couldn't have waited until it stopped snowing?"

"Not my fault mother fucking nature ordered snow today!" I screamed and Sofi rolled her eyes, clearly she was used to my mood swings and didn't take anything I said, personally. "This baby isn't exactly giving me a choice either!"

"Calm down," Sofi sighed and reversed the mustang before peeling out of the parking lot. "I'm glad we took a break on the studio time while she did," she breathed and smiled at me as she sped towards the hospital, "I'd hate to miss your son's birth."

I smiled as the contractions eased off a bit. "Me too," I grabbed her hand she offered and felt her squeeze it gently.

Finally at the hospital, I was wheeled into the nearest room because the baby was not willing to wait another second. It was probably the fastest birth in history but it hurt like a bitch.

"One more push, one more push!" Sofi screamed, squeezing my hand harder than I was squeezing hers.

"That's it Miss Jauregui," Dr. Nolte grabbed a tool and told me to push one more time. The cries of a baby flowed through the room and my heart swelled ten fold. I watched in wonder through tired eyes, the nurses wiping off the new bundle of joy. "Say hello to your daughter."


"You said I was going to have a boy?" I breathed but couldn't help but smile at the barely opened brown eyes in my arms. "Hey you," I cooed through happy and ecstatic tears.

"I'm going to guess a leg got in the way," Dr. Nolte apologized with a soft smile as he checked my blood pressure, "I hope you didn't just focus on boy names."

I stared at the soft cheeks and the small nose on the face of my daughter. "I think," I whispered, "Dylan's going to be just fine."

"Dylan?" Sofi whispered in awe, leaning down to coo softly. "That's sweet of you."

I smiled and shrugged. "Dylan Marie Jauregui." I nodded firmly and reached out to grab Sofi's hand. She had been with me the very minute I told her about the pregnancy. She stuck by my side whether I was a complete bitch or going through some hormonal imbalance.

"Welcome to the world, Dylan Marie Jauregui." Sofi cried happily and kissed the small baby on the forehead.

"Welcome to the world, baby girl." I whispered and started to hum softly as I rocked back and forth gently.

A new star was born.

My star.


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