Lucas Learns, Lauren Teaches

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Lucas' PoV

I yawned as I heard the alarm go off in my mom's room. I sighed when I heard her shut it off quickly. It was way too early for a kid like me to be up. The sun wasn't even shining yet.

I turned to look at Dylan curled up with a pillow in her arms, facing the wall.

I had to pee.

I could hold it.

The shower came on and I knew she was getting ready to go and coach her team. Auntie Sofi said that mom never really slept in because she was so used to getting up early in the mornings.

I didn't mind getting up early if I got to play hockey but other than that, I liked my sleep time.

Which was why I was getting grumpy because I knew I couldn't fall back asleep that easily.

"Lukey, stop moving." Dylan murmured in a sleepy haze and I felt guilty for tossing and turning so much.

"Sorry Dyl." I whispered and leaned over to kiss her cheek before getting up off the bed and tucking her back in. I pulled on my blue robe and grabbed my sketch book, turning on the small lamp at my desk and worked on getting my sketch finished of some scenery. I enjoyed sketching people more because it was like you could feel their emotions and expressions and capture such a moment.

I enjoyed my art.

I didn't feel my eyes getting heavy but before I knew it, I heard the front door downstairs shut and then Ryn was whistling her regular morning tune. It was going on five thirty and I fell asleep at my desk for a little under an hour.

I noticed Dylan took the golden opportunity of an empty bed and was sprawled across it diagonally. I smiled and shook my head, stifling a yawn before losing the fighting battle with my bladder.

After using the washroom and made my way down the hallway only to stop at the huge glass window that graced the upstairs. Movement caught my eye and I glanced out it, my grey eyes widening and head tilting at the sight.

Mom and Lauren.

Their mitt covered hands were clasped together as they made their way down the slippery hill towards the stairs that lead to the dock. "What the heck?" I whispered, wondering why they were heading down there in the first place.

I laughed out loud when Lauren took the first fall, her butt cold on the ground. My mom looked like she was laughing hard, knees bent to see if the brunette was okay. I laughed even more when Lauren pulled mom down with her, mocking her.

The sight was funny.

I was awake.

I was about to turn away when something dawned on me.

It was early in the morning.

Lauren was leaving the house with mom.


I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut when I happened to look back at the couple ... kissing.

"Oh my God!" I screamed of horror knowing why Lauren spent the night.


I was eleven, not stupid!

With an Aunt like Normani and a mom like Camila, I knew what sex was.

"Gross!!!!" I screeched out loud and ran to my room, successfully waking up my sister and hiding under the covers, rubbing my eyes as if to clear the thoughts and images out of my innocent head.

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