Surprised Is Served

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Lucas' PoV

I hated going to other peoples places for dinner. Unless it was Chase and Ephiny's house, then I really didn't mind.

One time, my mom had an important business meeting and she wanted to impress whoever it was, so I had to wear something 'nice'. Nice for me was a pair of ripped jeans and a jersey. That wasn't 'nice' enough so she picked out my clothes for me. I was ten years old and quite capable of picking out my own clothes!

But she had taste.

I could wear a pair of jeans as long as they weren't ripped or holy and I wore a nice blue sweater that she had ironed for me. My hair was brushed back up in a ponytail neatly and I plastered a 'nice' smile on my face. We went to an older married couple's house and they didn't have any toys to amuse me. Being the good daughter I was, I stayed at the table while the older people went on and on about mom's job.

It was all French to me. And I was smart in French class – my mom threatened to put me in Saint Marguerite Bourgeois, an elementary French Immersion Catholic school across the town. I told her I'd never speak to her again if she did that.

She never did.

One, I hate French.

Two, I don't believe in a Catholic God.

Three, I would not have been there to take care of Dylan.

"Stop kicking the dashboard, Luc." Mom looked at me as we pulled out of side road and onto the highway. "I don't see why you're making this a big deal."

The big deal was mom said she had another important dinner she needed to go too. She was dragging me along and wouldn't allow me to stay with Jaiden or at Hadley's house. She wouldn't even tell me where we were going. "Why won't you tell me where we're going?" I challenged back, sitting with my arms crossed over my chest like the typical eleven year old that I was.

"Lucas." Her voice was stern and I frowned. "I wanted it to be a surprise," she finally sighed as we drove over Darlington Bay bridge and turned the next street over, "Lauren and Dylan invited us over for dinner."

I sat up immediately. It had been two whole nights since Dylan moved to be with Lauren and though I seen her at school and during hockey practice, to me it felt like ages. "Really?"

Mom never answered me vocally; she just nodded and stared straight ahead.

I had never been to Lauren's so it was exciting. Then I realized that I had never been to Lauren's house and that was why mom was making it a surprise.

To make me happy.

She loved to make me happy and see me smile.

I was such a self-absorbed brat sometimes.

"Oh," I whispered and chewed on my bottom lip, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." She dismissed it and squeezed my hand. "Please be on your best behaviour?"

"Mom," I laughed, "Lauren's seen my bad side with me slamming the door in her face," and judging by the look she threw my way I wasn't forgiven for that one yet, "sorry."

"I know, you're a brilliant child and you have manners. Just use them." She smiled and out the vehicle into park.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked with a cheeky grin.

"I'm not." Mom laughed slightly and fidgeted with her hair in the review mirror, but not before turning on the interior lights so she could see herself better. "I just left the house in a rush."

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