Camila, the Hero

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Camila's PoV

The weather was starting to warm up fast and I had declared it was no longer safe for the girls to be playing near the docks or on the ice. Lucas pouted but had Dylan help her set up the nets on the driveway where they spent the majority of their free time when they weren't in school.

Lucas had found her art group to be fascinating and said as long as she had that to hang to, she could survive a whole summer without playing hockey. Her art mattered that much to her.

Dylan became quite the popular girl at school and had a birthday party to attend almost every other weekend. Of course she'd make sure her sister was invited because she still liked that feeling of being safe near Lucas.

Lauren had been busy with her work and lessons. She was informed that the school board would like her to be in charge of the school's year end performance and Lauren freaked for a while before she found herself getting into it more and more. She'd have Jaiden over where they'd go through different music that was appropriate enough to play at the school.

"It brings memories back of me and Sofi staying up late to go over different song choices." Lauren smiled a little as she sat at the breakfast bar, her hair up in a tight ponytail with a pair of loose old jeans and a tight tee.

I smiled and placed my coffee spoon in the sink before taking me seat beside her. "I bet you were happy."

"I was." Lauren bit her lip and glanced at me. "It's a total different happiness though, Camz."

"Oh I know." I nodded and kissed her cheek. "It's the same when I was on the road and playing in a new arena almost every night. The next team would be harder than the first and my adrenaline would be pumping hardcore but I lived for that feeling after everything else." I placed a hand on her lower back and peeked over her shoulder. "What is that?" I asked as she marked up an older piece of paper.

Lauren bit her lip and shrugged. "I kept all of the stuff Sofi and I didn't use on her albums. I figured we could incorporate these into our concert at the end of the school year."

"I wish I could've seen you work." I flopped down in the stool across from her. "No fair, you got to see my play and I didn't get to see you at work."

"Sure you did." Lauren gave me a slow shy smile. "That day when you found me playing piano at my parent's place." A sadness reached the end of her sentence but I could tell she swallowed it away. "I was playing then, writing something for you."

"Really?" I asked softly and grinned. "I totally made you lose concentration didn't I?"

"Well you did beg for Dirty Jauregui to come out and play." Lauren purred slightly and winked, going back to looking over old music sheets. "That was one of the best sexual experience I've ever had." She murmured with a slight blush.

"Reeeally?" I leaned over the counter to get her to look at me. "Wanna repeat that morning?"

Lauren raised an eyebrow and dropped her pen, cupping my face in her soft hands. "Time and place baby."

I giggled. I had come to the conclusion that giggling was no longer embarrassing when it occurred around Lauren. She found it adorable and it often earned me kisses.

"I'll keep that in mind." I nodded and sat back, taking a sip of my coffee. "So since it is P.D. Day, the girls are going to be heading over to Hadley's. What time are you off?"

"Oh um," Lauren scratched behind her neck laughing slightly. "I'm actually not going to work today."

I raised an eyebrow. "Just because the kids have no school doesn't mean you get to skip as well." I teased lightly.

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