Slowly But Surely

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Lucas' PoV

I don't like her. She can't come here and take away Dylan. I won't let her and my mom won't let her either. I don't understand a whole lot about what goes on with my mom's work – but I know she can't just take Dylan away.

Dylan is my best friend. I've never had a best friend before because Jason doesn't count – he kissed me and that was gross. Boys suck. Just like Aunt Carmen says. But Dylan finds Jason cute. So I guess I can agree with her.

Hockey practice was so much fun. I taught Dyl a few moves that my mom taught me. My mom used to be famous you know. She was even on Team Canada when she was younger and has the gold medal to prove that she played in the Olympics. She is awesome. I love her.

Lauren showed up here. Not here as in my house but here as in town. I saw her. I remember seeing her face in every picture of my mom's. She's gorgeous and I'll give her that. A gorgeous lady should not go unknown. Aunt Normani and mom taught me that one. But she turned out to be my worst enemy. My Dylan stealer. I don't like her.

"Lucas Evelyn Cabello!" I heard my name be called and grinned, "I won't be waiting for you two ladies forever. Hurry up and get your cute little butts ready for school or I'm telling your mother that you have a huge crush on Normani!"

Ew, Normani. Love her but ew.

Jaiden is hot. I want to be Mrs. Jaiden Wynters someday.

Until later!


I finished scribbling in my journal and tucked it neatly back in my sock drawer.

"Coming!" I yelled back and grabbed my sweater, running down the hallway. I stopped and I noticed Dylan standing on the stool in front of the mirror in the bathroom. "Whatchya doin?" I asked, approaching her slowly.

"I can't get this barrette in my hair," Dylan huffed and turned to face me, her lips pouting.

"Well I just throw my hair back in a ponytail but let me try," I smiled softly and grabbed the brush from her hands. I stood behind her and moved the brush through her hair before grabbing the soft blue barrette from her fingers. My teeth gripped my tongue between them as I frowned in concentration, trying to place the barrette perfectly in her hair. "How's that?" I smiled and she squealed, throwing her arms around me.

"Thank you Lukey!" She giggled and took another look at herself through the mirror.

"Seriously," Jaiden's head popped in the doorway with a raised eyebrow, "what is taking you two so long?"

"Look Jaid!" Dylan pointed to her hair. "Luc helped me with my hair!"

I tensed a bit.

"Aww," Jaiden came in the bathroom and knelt down, poking me in the sides a little, "Lucas is a softly deep down."

"Shut up." I frowned and walked passed her, grabbing my sweater from the floor and made my way downstairs.

I didn't want her to see the blush in my cheeks.

On our way to school, Dylan brought up her again. "So do you think she'll look different from the last time I saw her?" Her eyes widened as she looked at Jaiden.

Jaiden smiled softly, keeping her eyes on the road. "I'm sure she will."

From pictures I had seen – Lauren hadn't really changed much. I felt bad for holding back what I knew about Dylan's mom.

I think it was secrets like that, that tore Auntie Sofi and mom apart.

I didn't want it to tear Dylan and I apart either.

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