I'm Not Dreaming

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Samantha's PoV

I couldn't tell you what possessed me to break into my ex girlfriend's house. Would it be considered that if she gave me a spare key? Granted that was long before all of the confusion and mixed signals. Were they really mixed signals though?

I tried not to think about her. I tried to focus on my job, travel the world, and write unusual articles on different areas and animals. It worked for a while, and by a while I mean a few days. Normani and I had officially stopped seeing each other when we both agreed the whole 'friends with benefits' thing just wasn't working anymore.

I wasn't sure how long I had settled onto her dining chair. I figured she'd eventually come home and although I found my action to be slightly on the creepy level, Sofi liked that sort of thing. I used to break into her tour bus all the time.

The vehicle pulling into the driveway washed my nerves away only to replace them by a fresh wave of new ones. I could hear her humming while the door was being unlocked and keys thrown into her key tray. I braced myself when the footsteps came closer and finally we were both blinded by the light but my eyes still managed to find hers.

Sofi stopped cold in her tracks, her grey eyes wide as saucers. In any other situation I would've laughed at the sight but not that evening. The air between us cackled and I sat up straight, my hands folded on the table in front of me. Clearing my throat quietly, I licked my lips, "Hello, Sofia, it's been a while."

She opened her mouth but closed it quickly before she shook her head. "Sammy," she breathed and finally her body relaxed a little, "hi."

I picked at my fingernails briefly before giving her another look, not hiding the fact that I was checking her out. A pair of jeans with worn holes in them and a tight white tank top graced her perfect body. One thing I had hoped she never changed was her casual dressing. Jeans and a plain top – yet she managed to make it look so fashionable. "You look good," I whispered and dared to look into her eyes. She blushed and nodded her thanks before chewing on her bottom lip.

Tucking strands of black hair behind her ears, she shifted and pointed towards the kitchen. "Um, did you, did you want some coffee?"

I shook my head and slowly stood up, dangling the spare key from my right hand. "I hope you don't mind that I used it."

Sofi blinked before she flashed a calm smile as she took the key and placed it back in the palm of my hand. "You're always welcomed here, Sammy." The touch lasted longer and I closed my eyes while pulling back my hand from hers and stuffed the key back into my pocket.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here?" I questioned softly and she just tilted her head, an amused look gracing her features.

"I haven't seen you in months Sam," she chuckled quietly, "of course I'm curious."

I swallowed and leaned against the dining room table, my eyes shifting to the floor briefly before finding her grey ones staring at me with interest. "I've missed you so much," I began with a shake in my voice, "and I literally sat down and talked about the pros and cons of everything I'm about to say."

"Should we sit?" Sofi interrupted softly, a frown casting over her. She gestured towards the living room and I silently followed her. I made sure there was some space between us and she nodded for me to resume my speech.

"I swear there was only one time I was this nervous," I laughed. I rubbed my hands on my jeans and licked my dry lips before reaching over to take her hand in mine. It was a comfort thing and when her fingers instantly curled around mine, I felt almost perfect.

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