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Sofia's PoV

It was cold outside, despite the snowfall they had just had the previous night. Ryn opened the front door but stopped me before I stepped foot inside. "Uh," she looked nervously between me, Tracey and the living room, "I really don't know the whole story but don't be surprised if Camila's not exactly happy to see you."

I looked at the redheaded woman with a raised eyebrow. "I'm aware of that."

She only nodded and let Tracey and I into the warm confines of my sister's house. It was clean, freakishly clean.

"I figured there was a party last night." I turned to face Ryn, who shut the door behind herself.

"We had a dinner but with the snow, we all kind of got snowed in." She grinned and moved to leaned against the large bookshelf.

"Who else is here?" Tracey smiled and made herself comfortable on the chair beside the door. It usually occupied Lucas' hockey equipment.

"Oh uh," Ryn bit her lip, glancing up towards the spiral stairs and then back down towards the end of the hall where "my" bedroom was, "Sammy's here and-"

"Sam?" I raised an eyebrow, delighted to hear her name. "Is she in my room?"

Tracey cast a sideways glance at me and I shook my head. I just wanted to see a friend.

"Yea but really, I think she's sleeping..." Ryn said with a bit of desperation in her voice. I chuckled and waved her off, kicking off my boots and walking towards the end of the hallway, "really Sofi, I think you should just-"

"Rise and shine, Sa-" I swung open the door and gasped when I found my ex-girlfriend straddling someone else. My cheeks flushed when her back muscles strained and she turned her head to look at me with a horrific look. "Oh God, I'm so sorry." I mumbled and then I caught a glimpse of the person beneath her and swallowed, my eyes narrowing slightly. I quickly slammed the door shut and glanced at Ryn, who was biting her lip.

"I tried to tell you..." She said quietly and I slowly made my way back towards Tracey and Ryn, standing by the door.

"Who the hell is slamming doors?" I looked up to see Camila coming down the stairs, pulling her hair up in a ponytail. She stopped at the bottom, our eyes locking for the first time in, what felt like forever.

You could cut the tension with a knife.

"Hey Mila," I waved almost shyly but her eyes never even flinched.

"Sofi." She addressed so in a dull voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you." I swallowed and she snorted. I raised an eyebrow and she shook her head.

"Had a funny way of showing it," Camila hissed as she walked passed the living room and towards the kitchen.

"I didn't know if you'd want to hear from me." I followed her and she spun around, her bluish grey eyes narrowing even more. "What?"

"You're right," she whispered, "I didn't."

"Camila," I sighed a little too loud for her liking and she held up her hand.

"Don't you dare raise your voice or you'll wake the girls." Camila looked away and quietly opened up the cupboard, grabbing coffee mugs. "What are you doing here?"

"Sofia." Sammy came into the kitchen, fully clothed. Her eyes looked a little concerned.

"Sam," I nodded and tore my eyes away from her.

"Look, what you saw..." Sammy trailed off when Normani walked slowly into the same room, biting the side of her cheek as she kissed my sister on the forehead and grabbing something from the freezer.

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