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It was the pitiful crying of a small child that pulled Nyx from her shallow, restless slumber.

Clambering out of bed, she softly tiptoed across the landing, quietly pushing open the door to Abigail's room.

"Now then, what's all this fuss?" She cooed, walking into the room and closing the door quietly behind her.

Abby had pulled herself upright against the bars of the cot, and was standing on her own two feet, clutching the bars to keep herself up.
She rattled them like the bars of a cage as she wailed dramatically, shaking her whole body back and forth with the effort.

Nyx reached for her, plucking her out of the crib and holding her close.
"Hey, baby bird, it's okay, I'm here. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

The little girl cuddled into Nyx's shoulder, dampening her pyjamas with her slowing tears.

Nyx chuckled. "Did you pull yourself upright all on your own like a big girl? That was very clever of you. Very clever."

She chuckled again. "Did you panic yourself by forgetting how to get down again? Is that it? Aww, Abby..."

She grinned, gently kissing a sleepy Abby's forehead.
"Maybe one in the morning isn't the time to be practicing standing on your own. Wait for tomorrow, eh? You can show us all then!"

Abby gurgled sleepily, sucking on her fingers as she snuggled into Nyx.

Nyx stroked the small girls feathery golden curls.
"Come on, let's go snuggle with Grandma for a bit, set her mind at ease. There's no doubt she probably heard you. So we must give Grandma lots of cuddles, so she isn't ever worried."

Abby nodded sleepily, gurgling as they walked to Rachel's room. "Gwan-ma. Cuddle Gwan-ma."

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