Uneager Conversation

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Water dripped down the age-scared walls of the cavern, running into the deceptively deep pool that spanned most of the bottom.
Only someone incredibly brave or incredibly foolish would attempt to reach the bottom of those jewel-like depths, and they would deserve everything that befell them.

It wasn't the caves, no, but a cave, a cenote, with its own history and stories to tell, buried beneath the ruins of a long lost past hidden away in the jungle.

Alysha perched on a rock ridge at the edge of the pool, peering at her reflection and weaving small braids in the hair around her face as she sang a soft tune to herself, the light from the top opening bouncing off the water and painting coloured ripples across her body, making her appear almost ethereal.

A sound behind her caught her attention, and her familiar smirk painted itself across her face.

"Hullo, Lovely. I'm actually surprised you showed up. Thought you'd dismiss it as teasing, actually. Part of me was kinda hoping you would. Ah, well."

She got up from her crouch, movements leisurely, turning to face the figure in the entrance way.

"Parley? Time out? Whatever it's called?
No weapons, let's pretend we're civilised people."

Lilith eyed her silently, calculating the girl before her.

Alysha pouted. "Oh, come on. I don't bite. I lie, but I don't bite." She snapped her teeth together loudly, chuckling.

"Well, I think I'm hilarious, even if no one else does.
What, you going to stand there the whole time? Okay, suit yourself."

She shrugged, turning in her heel and peering back into the water, thoughtfully.

"There are places like this all over this area, did you know that? Underground caverns, dotting the landscape.
The locals have some great stories about them. Sea serpents and Primordial Gods and ancient curses.
Strange sightings beneath the waters, and people going mysteriously missing.

Most of it's dismissed as stories though. Just hey-say. A tale of a tale from another time.

But still, the waters are littered with bones. "

Lilith eyed her coldly. "Do you have a point?"

"Not really, I'm just putting off a conversation neither of us is eager to have.

Ah, well, I'll cut to the chase. Less painful for both of us."

She stopped for a moment, as if carefully choosing her next words, eyes skating over anywhere and everywhere but the person in front of her, as if benignly distracted by their surroundings.

A small breeze blew through the cave, soft and gentle, painting itself atop what looked like it could be a peaceful scene, if you didn't know the truth.

Alysha took a sharp breath, face slipping from her usual cheerful demeanour, to something more serious.

When she spoke, it was like the words didn't match up to the previous conversation.

"Something's changed, Lovely. There's something on the winds, something bubbling away where I cannot see."

Her eyes almost seemed to glaze over, becoming unfocused, as if she were looking at something no one else could see.
Her voice drifted off, not directed at anyone in particular anymore.

"Hiding in the shadows... Waiting... Don't know what, or who... "

She visibly shook herself out of it,

"Well, that was a rapid downhill slide. What I was actually going to say was... I don't care what you're after, I don't know what exactly you're trying to achieve, but keep your mitts off my stuff from now on, and we won't have a problem.
And yes, I am in part referring to my Caves, which you collapsed out of petulance and spite, which by the way, I might add, benefited neither of us.
When something isn't yours, there might be a reason why, eh, Lovely?

And you might want to keep an eye on your little brood as well, for children stray off the path oh-so-easily, and you know what they say, finders keepers."

She grinned, showing too many teeth.

Lilith glared murderously at her, but did nothing, waiting for a slip, for an opportunity, a chink in the girls armour.

Alysha chuckled. "I'm guessing we're definitely not friends then.
Bit of a shame, but oh well.

And wow, I'm actually impressed we managed to get this far into the conversation without getting into a spat!
See, miracles do happen!

Still not funny? Oh, Okay. I'll stop now."

Don't glare like that, it'll give you frown lines, and I think you look pretty good for your age, don't want to ruin it... "

Lilith's eyes followed the girl, boring into her skull as Alysha trailed off on her usual verbal dam-burst.

Formerly the first time, Alysha seemed almost nervous, as she caught Lilith's harsh gaze, but seemed to quickly pull herself out of it.

"Fear is a great persuader, isn't it? No matter who, no matter what, every creature fears something.
There's very few tools like it.

But it's a tricky line to lead someone on.

To little, and it's ineffective. Too much, and you push them over the edge.

And then it's too late to stop what's waiting, ready to catch, down below..."

Alysha's signature smirk had painted itself back in place.
"And hate, that's another, a burning fuel, a smouldering spark, and a poison unto its own.
Handle it carefully, Lovely..."

Lilith laughed cruelly. "You proceed to preach at me?"

"Only if you take it that way. Perception and intent are two different things."

She shrugged, blasé. "Basically though, if you want to achieve whatever you want to achieve, use your own tools to do it.
Either that, or ask me nicely, which I doubt will happen anytime this side of the apocalypse.

As I said, my things are my things. Don't go playing with instruments you don't know, just because you're jealous.

You've had so long to try, but you didn't succeed, and now, it's too late.

And whatever war, plague or darkness you bring, you leave me and mine alone.

I don't want to start a fight, I never did, but it doesn't mean I can't."

This is probably awful and doesn't make sense, and I'm sorry for that.

In my head, this was awesome and dramatic.
Then half of it seemed to fall out of my head and make a break for freedom before I could write it.

Consequently, it took about a week to get it somewhere I could give it a pass, and even now I'm just not sure about it.

But I figured if I just plowed through it and got it done, at least I could continue with the rest of the book, and maybe come back to this later.

I blame writers block.

That and, in total contradiction, I've had a great idea for a completely original, not-fanfiction book, and am now attempting to write it alongside this project, which I can almost predict will cause issues one way or another, but I'm determined to try.

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