Family Reunion

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"Hey, Nyx."

Nyx made a sound of reciprocation as Selene walked past the door, completely distracted by rummaging through a brown rucksack.

Selene stopped, turning her attention fully onto Nyx. "What are you doing in Owen's room? Ain't that his rucksack?"

"Chill, I'm just trying to find something."

Selene rolled her eyes. "The scatter-brain lost his wallet again? Every time he claims it's been taken, and every time we find it somewhere somehow both really obvious and really random."

Nyx joined in the chuckles, shaking her head and burrowing back into the bag.

Selene smiled. "Anyway, I'm gonna go see if we've got anything in for lunch. I'll let you know if I find any renegade wallets in the kitchen, okay?"

"You do that."

"Nice jacket by the way. Not seen it before, is it new?"

"Eh, relatively." Nyx shrugged, turning and rounding on Owen's wardrobe.

"Okay, but don't make a mess." Selene called back as she walked away.

"I won't!"

As she was coming down the stairs, there was a swift knock at the door.

Quickly crossing the hallway, she pulled it open, squinting slightly as she raised a hand to shade her eyes from the bright sun.
"Hello? Uh... What the hell are you doing here?

Emilia crossed her arms on the door step, giving her a frosty look. "Alright, where is it?"

Selene looked blank. "Yeah, no idea what you're referencing there, so... I'm going to make a guess... OWEN! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT I'M GETTING BLAMED FOR?!"

Owen thundered in from one of the back rooms, looking wide-eyed and panicky.

Emilia raised a distainful eyebrow at him. "Hello, thief."

Selene groaned, putting her head in her hands. "Alright, what happened?"

"Like you don't know."

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking, now would I?"

"Alright, you can all relax, I'm here now!" Travis strode in, obviously attempting to break the tension, but stopping short when he saw who was at the door. "You're the chick who leapt out in front of my car!"

Emilia growled, bearing her teeth.

Travis took a pause. "Huh. Feisty.
Well, I hope you're here to pay compensation, I've still got head pain from the accident you caused."

"No you haven't." Nyx chastised, rolling her eyes behind him. "Evelyn checked you out. You're fine."

"Nyx, important life lesson, when there's a chance you might get money out of it, you're always injured, okay?"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Emilia called out suddenly, stopping everyone in their tracks, including Owen who was ever so slowly creeping back up the stairs.

"You better be going to get me that book!"

Selene groaned. "This isn't about the frigging book, is it? Oh, for fucks sake, I swear, that things as good as cursed the way you lot obsess over it!
Owen, why the fuck did you think taking that thing would be a good idea?!"

Emilia snorted derisively. "Foolish boy, thought he was going to bring it to you so your warlock or one of her colleagues could 'examine' it."

"Okay, A), That probably sounded more like a bad thing in your head than out loud, B), I think you guys aren't getting that apart from familial value, it probably isn't worth that much, and C), it's essentially a book of frigging fairytales.
Emilia, in all honesty, have you considered getting a hobby?"

"It's not there." Owen announced, looking none too calm as he ran back down the stairs.
"It's gone!"

"Well, how convenient." Emilia snarled.

"Oh, for fucks sake, Owen, can't you keep track of anything? First your wallet, now this... You better find it!"

Owen nodded, retreating back up the stairs. "Yeah... and I did find my wallet..."

"Bully for you!" Selene yelled, obviously irritated now.

There was a heavy silence that ensued, hanging awkwardly over the group.

"Travis, go put the kettle on." Selene croaked, suddenly looking very exhausted.

She gave Nyx a strained smile, which Nyx returned reassuringly.
Then she mockingly-furrowed her brow. "Is that my crop-top?"

"Uh... No? Your clothes are awful, why would I borrow your stuff?"

"Nyx." Selene said, face humorous.

"I deny everything."

"It's fine." Selene chuckled. "Looks very attractive."

Nyx flushed. "It's hot today, okay?" She hissed.

"Guys, it's seriously not here!" Owen called down worriedly.

"We're screwed." Selene muttered.

"Fucking hell, when are we not?" Nyx replied grimly.

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