Distraction And Opportunity

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Hands clenching and unclenching rapidly by his sides, he stalked down the road, anger and frustration seeping from him to hang in the air like an almost tangible haze.

There was no destination in mind, the motion of his body almost mechanical as he resided more in his head than the outside world, dark thoughts flashing behind dark eyes.

He was looking for something. Not sure what, but just... Something.

Loud whoops from a group up ahead on the pavement cut through the ambiance. Clearly all of them were somewhat on the tipsy judging by their rowdy behaviour, as they spilled out of the bar onto the pathway.

Two of them appeared to have gotten into a scuffle, cussing and shoving mostly, blocking up the pathway with their ridiculous spat.

Suddenly, one shoved the other hard, sending him sprawling back, crashing none-too-gently into Sebastian as he stumbled back.

"Eh, sorry man." The man said, his intoxicated laughs joining that of his cohorts as he righted himself.

Then his expression changed, seeming to turn to one of fear as he actually looked at who he'd run into.

He let out a yelp as Sebastian roughly grabbed his hair and smacked his head hard against the brick wall, the man dropping immediately.

His friends various sounds of shock and concern punctuated the air. Immediately, the man who'd been on the other end of the drunken squabble rushed forwards to avenge his friend, swinging a fist... Sebastian caught his arm mid movement, giving a twist.

He couldn't help but mentally grin.

Hey, it was cheap, but it was a distraction.

Dec chatted to the elegant, fur-clad woman seated at the bar, a charming smile in place as he buttered her up with a drink, some well chosen words, and an open ear.

It was amazing how some people just talked.
Did no one know the worth of secrecy anymore?
There was very little around here that Dec didn't know, and even less he didn't have the means to find out.
Dec considered himself a rich man on the value of the things people told him.

And that's when he noticed the kerfuffle outside.

Rolling his eyes- playing it off as humorous- he excused himself from the elegant woman's company with a smile, and strode towards the door.

"Hey, hey, HEY!" He bellowed, interrupting the scuffle outside. "Break it up right now, before I have someone make you!"

Reaching forwards, he snagged the ear of one of the men, twisting it up painfully as the man made a sounds of pain. "You, you're already banned. Get out of here. You show your face again, you'll regret it. And you!" He jabbed his finger harshly at one of the others. "Take your friend over there and go." He gestured to the unconscious man unceremoniously with his thumb. "Nobody's dying on my premises, got it?
And you, you have a nasty face, I don't like you.
And you... Eh, I've met your wife, just... Just go home now, man.
Now you... I'm pretty convinced you're from the convent school up the road. Maybe not a good idea to get caught being out here, just saying.
And you... " He rounded on Sebastian, looking thoughtful. "... You just look like you could do with a drink. Come on in, if you promise to behave.
First one's on me." His eyes glinted wickedly.

I cannot write fights well! Hopefully this chapters okay, but yeah, that's my disclaimer, I cannot write fights well. Probably should practice that.

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