Hanging Threads

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"Is it just me, or is there a lot of rocking horses in this house?" Nyx whispered to Travis, glancing back at the stylish black and white painted one in the hallway that she swore was watching her with its glowing red eyes as she followed Dec up the stairs.

"Yup. They're Cynthia's lasting legacy." Travis said. "Specifically designed to drive Dec crazy. And basically a hundred percent indestructible. Which we only discovered after the 'glorious divorce bonfire'. Good times though."

"Besides, you never know... " Dec chuckled, obviously having been listening in. "We haven't tried destroying them with nuclear weapons yet.
... Mina, I'm joking, don't look at me like that. It's not like you like them either. I've heard you cussing out the one in the kitchen."

Mina sniffed, but said nothing, turning back to continue leading them up the stairs.

Billy met them at the bedroom door, toy swords in hand, one of which he pointed at the approaching group. "Halt! I'm on guard!"

"And a very good job you're doing, too." Mina said with a smile.

"Yeth!" Billy nodded, grinning. "An' no one can go into Mummy's room wifout my pa-mission!" He prodded Travis in the stomach with his sword, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at him. Travis swallowed nervously.

"... Can we have your permission?" Dec asked warily.

Billy whacked the sword against his chest. "No. I'm still havin' pwoblems wif you! Dis es your fault!"

"Yes, yes, you've already explained to me in excruciating detail how you know it's my fault." Dec said, pushing the sword away from his face with a finger.

Travis furrowed his brow in confusion. "How's what your fault?"

Billy piped up, pointing at Dec accusingly. "He and my mummy-"

"-Nobody here needs a biology lesson, thank you!" Dec cut him off, physically putting his hand over Billy's mouth. "And you're banned from going on that computer until I put better parental controls on it."

"... Oka-" Nyx started with a questioning tone, then her eyes went wide in realisation. "-Oh."

"What?" Travis asked in a falsely sweet tone, crossing his arms. No one could tell of he was seriously asking or not.

Dec groaned, rolling his eyes and rubbing his face. "Luci's pregnant, and Billy's taking it as a personal insult."

"I'll personal insult you!" Billy said, wacking Dec forcefully in the stomach with his toy sword.
Dec doubled over, wincing. "Ow! Fu.... Alright, that's it!" Reaching down, he twisted the toy out of Billy's hand, putting it under his arm before picking the kid up and slinging him over his shoulder; carrying the wriggling kid off to his room as Billy smacked uselessly at his back with the other sword.

Dec dropped Billy down on his bed like a sack of potatoes, taking the second sword from his hand and shutting them both up inside the wardrobe. Walking over, he crouched down next to the bed to Billy's height, to talk to him directly.

"Right." He said in a calm voice. "You're going to stay here until you stop being in such a bad mood, okay? Nobody's impressed, and it's getting old now. I'm sure you're as equally as bored with it as I am."

Billy muttered irritably and crossed his arms stubbornly, glaring at the man.

Dec chuckled, rolling his eyes and fondly ruffling Billy's hair as he got up and walked out of the room.

"Well, the kid's determined, I'll say that." He chuckled, talking to the group standing patiently in the hall. "Just give him a bit. He'll be alright."

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