Window To The World

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"... No, no, no. Travis, Travis... Travis, listen to me... Travis, if you're going to be an idiot, I can't help you."

Nyx was walking aimlessly around her room, halfway between changing for bed, so currently rocking a strappy pyjama top printed with the image of a pink icinged donut and the words 'Donut disturb' across the front, paired with the skinny jeans she'd been wearing all day, and one very lonely Harry Potter sock.

None of this she was particularly bothered about at the current second, as instead she was frustratedly hissing down the phone at Travis, as he tried to abort what apparently had been a very ill-advised date, set up curtosy of Selene.

"Just tell her your wife's waiting for you at home. That usually puts most women off!
Or tell her how low your salary is, that sometimes works.
Or just do what us women do, claim your going to the bathroom, take your stuff with you, and just leave!

You know, if you're really sure you can't do the decent person thing and just tell her it's not working out."

She wandered over to the window, pushing the curtains out the way, and leant on windowsill, looking out into the darkening world.

"Look, at the end of the day, I can't call it off with her for you, no matter how nutty you claim she is.
I don't know... Tell her your in love with someone else or something. That one works.

Either that or I'll get Nick to call you and say his car got rear-ended and he's up the hospital. Last resort plan.

Anyway... That your date coming back? Good luck. Bye."

She hung up, putting the phone down on the sill, and leaning her forehead on the cool window glass, closing her eyes and sighing.

God, if Selene just stopped trying to play matchmaker, life would be a hell of a lot easier.
She made awful dating choices for herself, what made her think she'd be good at choosing for other people?

Her breath steamed up the glass in front of her, tracing around the shape of her nose and forehead, where they touched the window.

It was nice just to stop for a second, before something else demanded her attention.

Opening her eyes, she sighed, deciding she probably needed to finish getting changed, but not really making a move from the window.

Everything looked so strange in the quickly darkening twilight, creating a mysterious unknown world just outside of her house, like a mystical fairytale forest surrounding her princess tower.

She chuckled to herself, rolling her eyes at her own imagination, drawing away from the window, and tugging closed the curtains.

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