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"Nyx, get out."

"Wait, what? What did I do?"

Travis sighed. "Nothing. You've done absolutely nothing. Which is the problem, because usually you'd be out that door and gone most of the day, doing whatever you'd decided was the thing to do that day, just Dora-the-explorer-ing your way about the neighborhood..."

Nyx raised an eyebrow. "Dora-the-explorer-ing?"

"I don't know. I spend most of my life between my computer and Starbucks. Point is, go out. Do something. Walk to the library. Take Abby to the park. I dunno. Just do something. You're driving everyone insane by just moping around, including yourself.
Heck, I'll even skip work and come with you if you like, just get out the goddamn house."

"Okay, Travis, chill, breathe. I was just... I mean, if it means that much to you... Dora-the-explorer-ing? Really? I'm sorry, I just can't get past that. Dora-the-explorer-ing? All the possible words in the universe..."

"Aren't you guys a little too old to be discussing Dora the explorer?" Nick said, striding into the kitchen. "Oh, wait, didn't realize who I was talking to."
He teased.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?" Nyx cried, fake indignantly.

"Yeah, I mean, like, we're the mature-est people ever. You're all little babies compared to our level of maturity." Travis agreed with a large amount of put-on sass.

Nick raised an eyebrow. "I'm literally centuries older than you."

"And how you survived so long without me is a complete mystery.
Really, scientists are baffled."

Nick playfully cuffed him around the head.

"Hey, hey, hey, old man! Watch it!" Travis smoothed his muffed up hair, grinning anyway.

Nick chuckled, shaking his head.

"So, Nick." Nyx started, grinning slyly. "When you were like, a lot younger, were you like some toffy rich lad in ruffles and a wig and all that? 'Cause you're way too posh to be like some factory worker or farmer or something."

"What do you mean posh? I'm not posh."

"Dude, you so are." Travis interjected. "Well, on the scale of people in this house you are. I mean, just look at you. You're like, ex-army neat.
You're like, a guy who's like actually really sophisticated, but then got corrupted by us weirdos."

"Get out of here!" Nick said fondly, this time ruffling both their hair.

Travis slid off his chair, pulling on his jacket. "Forsooth, my good fellows, but I must away from thee, verily my noble job awaits!"

He flounced out of the room dramatically, laughing loudly.

"Asshole." Nick muttered, smiling. "However he managed to become a father is beyond me."

"Well, Nick, when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much..."

"Shush, you."

"Sir, yes, sir!" She mock saluted him, giggling, then had to beat off his hand as he reached towards her hair again.

He smirked. "Oh, and for your information missy, it was the navy, not the army."

Sorry it's a bit late, got busy.
Also, sorry not a lot of stuff is happening with Nyx's family, it's just currently the only thing they're doing is them adjusting to their new life with Rachel, and Nyx coming back to herself.
It will get more interesting later.

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