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"So you just... Let her walk out with him?"

"Evelyn, she's his mother. There's not much we could do..." Steven interjected.

"Call me and detain her until I got there would have been a good plan!" Evelyn said exasperatedly. "Send me a text and offer her a cup of tea, it's not hard!"

"I was a little occupied trying to stop her and Vivian scratching each others eyes out, to be honest! Sorry, Viv, but it's true."

Vivian shot him a look, sniffing her nose indignantly.

Evelyn groaned. "It's okay, it's okay... I'm sorry, on what planet did you think that after everything that's happened he'd be safer God-knows-where with her, rather than here were we can make sure he's safe?"

"Because... She's his mother? And she's not exactly helpless."

Evelyn mentally groaned. "I tried with that girl. I really tried." She muttered under her breath. "God knows, I tried."

Steven reached out a comforting hand towards Evelyn. "It's alright. I mean, we know she's... Got issues, but... Most of us here do, and we're all doing okay. Have some faith. I think they'll be fine.
Either that,or you'll get a call in a couple of days saying that Billy microwaved her favourite shoes and she can't cope with him on her own.
Either way, it'll be a learning experience."

"Boys like our young William need a good spanking sometimes. Set them straight." Old Mags chimed in from her seat at the table next to them.
"Otherwise it's going to be a rude awakening when he tries his little games on in the real world."

Steven chuckled. "Ah, I don't know. The kids not stupid. He's smarter than most his age. He's just... Got authority issues."

Evelyn couldn't suppress a small smile. "That's one way of saying it."

"It's his lack of a father figure that does it." Mags said matter-of-factly, sipping her tea from an elegant patterned teacup.
"He's got no male role model, no one's really willing to discipline him, his mother just lets him run wild..."

"Okay, let's not get off track." Evelyn said, cutting off the conversation.
Luci's parental skills unfortunately was a common subject for gossip amongst the community of Evelyn's home, although she was not the only one.
In such a close knit, very unusual arrangement such as theirs, everyone had an opinion on everyone else's life, and some, like Mags, were not afraid to voice it, sometimes quite directly.

Evelyn sighed. "Well, there's not much to be done now. Trust me though, I will be contacting Luci. There's some things I think we need to discuss."

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