Doing Nothing

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"Hey, Sweetie, what you up to?" Luci asked cheerily as Billy strode purposefully into the kitchen, eyes scanning the room with mild interest.


"Well... Do you want me to find something for you to do?" Luci said, leaning cross-armed on the counter.
"Something fun. Not housework, I promise."

Billy gave her a suspicious look. "Last time you said that, you tricked me into doing maths. I don't like maths!"

"Ah, but maths is a crucial part of science, and you like science, don't you?"

"I like the e'speriments."

"Speaking of which, just curious, what did you do with the guttings of the back room TV? Just out of interest."

"Buildin' a droid." Billy answered quietly.

Luci looked really surprised at that one.
"What, a robot? Really? Does it work?"

"Uh... No..." Billy said quietly, then jumped to his own defence. "But et's not finished. I'm gonna show Wesley next time I see 'er.  She c'n help me. She's good at makin' stuff. "

"I bet she practices her maths as well."

"No. Last time her mum tried to make her, Wesley made her cry."

Luci turned to hide her smirk.
'Yeah, but that's Vivian all over. Total wet blanket, that one.'

"Anyway... Gummy worm?"

She popped one in her mouth, offering the open packet to her son.

Billy took two, proceeded to make them fight to the death, before dismembering and chomping up the loser.
The winner he dragged along the counter top, making hissing snake noises, before yelling 'Eagle attack!', pouncing on the sweet and gobbling it down.

Luci rolled her eyes, chuckling. "What are you like, sometimes."

"It's survival of da fittest. 's Darwin."

She leant over the worktop and ruffled his hair fondly. "You're so smart, you know that? So, you want me to find you something to do? Or are you good... Is that my phone?"

Billy looked down at the device he'd swiped off the top where it'd been charging.
"Uh... Yes?"

He took of hurriedly, before she could catch him.

Luci called after him. "No eBay-ing anything! No buying anything either! And no taking it apart!"

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