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Nyx stumbled, bleary-eyed, down the stairs, her growling stomach guiding her like a moth to flame towards the kitchen.

"And sleeping beauty has awoken!" Came an overly cheery voice.
Travis walked into the room. "Good afternoon! You feeling better after sleeping the day away?"

Nyx groaned incoherently, burying her head in her arm, hiding beneath her tangled curls, mentally pleading with him to shut up.
She was really not in the mood for this.

Travis took sympathy on her, winding it back a notch.
"You want me to cook you some brunch?"

Nyx nodded slowly, looking up at him with big, tired eyes through her rats-nest of hair.

Travis got a pan out of the cupboard, smiling gently at her.

Reaching into the fridge, he brought out a bottle of fruit juice, pouring her a glass and sliding it across the counter to her.

Nyx eyed it, then him. "I'd really prefer a coffee."

"I know, just give me a moment. Everything's going to take a minute. That's to tide you over."

Nyx sighed, taking a sip and attempting to wake up fully.

Day two of being out of the caves, and still all she wanted to do was sleep.
She hadn't realised how exhausted everything going on down there had made her, especially now she'd gotten over whatever adrenaline rush had sustained her for those two days.

That was all it had been. Two days. Trapped for two days.

It had felt like forever.

So much had happened in that time.

Immediately, her thoughts went to Rachel, and a lump formed in her throat.

Whilst surviving in the caves had been a trial in itself, Nyx couldn't imagine it being anything like what Rachel had gone through.

And she, Nyx, hadn't been here for her.

As much as she knew in her heart of hearts that that was in no way her fault, Nyx couldn't help but feel guilty.

Rachel could have died, and Nyx hadn't been there.

Even now, Rachel would never be the same. A mark had been permanently left on her life, the damage irreversible.

And Nyx hadn't been there.

Happy Halloween for yesterday!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Halloween got in the way.
Hope you all enjoyed your Halloween! I certainly did mine!

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