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The faerie girl rushed him past most of the house, seeming to have a specific destination in mind that didn't include dilly-dallying in the hallways.

Tall portraits decorated the walls, the eyes of the people within the frames looking down on them in the dim light.
They were definitely Shadowhunters, recognisable by the assorted weapons portrayed, and the spiralling runes decorating their skin.

New questions were raising themselves in his mind about his companion, on top of the many others that had developed in the previous few days.

Letting his mind wander, he recounted the recent events.

There was next to no chance that anybody would be unaware of his return to life by now.
Unless on some really unlikely off-chance the rescue party managed to convince themselves it had been a trick or a hallucination or something, by this evening every institute was going to know.

Assuming it was believed, of course.
Second-hand, it was probably going to sound really uncredible, downright unbelievable even.

He couldn't help but smirk. It was actually quite funny, when he thought about it.
Just imagining the rescue party trying to explain this to the Clave, when they themselves most likely weren't a hundred percent sure what exactly had happened.
He'd definitely been the last person they'd expected to pull out that hole.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Luci stopped quickly in front of him.

"Here." She rolled the word with her tongue, drawing it out. After a moment's pause, clearly thinking for a second, before pushing open the door and walking in.

"Come on, sooner we get what we need, sooner we can go."

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