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They'd spent most of the previous day sleeping in what Sebastian assumed was a cellar.

Luci had practically dragged him into, hissing about laying low until they could make sure no one was on their tail.

Closing themselves up in the boxy room under the unknown mansion-like house, immediately after escaping from the caves was disgruntling to say the least, but it afforded them time to rest and recuperate after their struggle with the rescue party, and allow them to plan their next step.

Not that he was sure when he and Luci had become a 'them', but as much as he disliked her and she obviously had a problem with him, it was good to have an ally.
Especially a surprisingly powerful one.

The image of that frozen woman was still fresh in his mind.

A half-filled bottle of water rolled towards him across the floor from her direction.

"It's stale as fuck, but trust me, it's going to feel like the nectar of the Gods after all that." She informed him from where she was resting against the wall.
"Snagged it back there. Drink small amounts though, cause I'm not dealing with it if you make yourself vomit."

He wanted to snap back a reply, but his mind was sluggish and his vocal chords were scratchy dry.
Instead, he opened the bottle and sipped at the liquid, shooting her a swift glare.

Luci was rummaging in her pockets, clearly digging for something in particular.

She cursed, peeling off her jacket and peering into the side pocket. "Damn it! That's just brilliant."

Making noises of frustration, she plucked out of her pocket, of all things, a bag of fruit sweets.

"Damn it! The bag leaked, and they're melted all inside pocket. Brilliant, just brilliant."

He eyed her suspiciously. "You had sweets in your pocket the whole time?"

"Yeah. What about it?" She said, grinning.

"You had food the whole time?"

She chuckled, smirking.
"I'm sorry, did you want to get into a scrap with Alysha over sweets?
Don't look at me like that, it's not like I had a three course meal on me or anything!
Besides, I only had them in the jacket 'cause I used them as incentive for 'The Lost Boys' to behave whilst I was cleaning."
She said, putting exaggerated finger quotation marks around 'The Lost Boys'.

"It's not like I specifically planned for the occasion. I just happened to have them on me."

He raised an eyebrow. "Lost boys?"

"Not as impressive as it sounds. Bunch of three to seven year olds, the kids who's families bunked with Evelyn." She said dismissively, plucking a sticky sweet from the packet with precision.
"They named their little group that. Right pests sometimes, the lot of them.
Had an obsession with stealing my mops to use as toy swords.

She got up, wandering over to the hatch that lead outside, peering through a gap in the slats.
"Don't think anyone came after us. Looks like we're good for now. Could probably do with picking up some stuff from inside though."

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