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Without even breaking her momentum, Alysha turned on her heel and strode purposefully away

'Nope. Not today, thank you very much.'

She got two steps before almost walking into someone. Irritably, she yelled out at them. "OI! Watch it! People are walking here, you moron! ... Oh. It's you... And you're not a snake!" She pasted on an exaggeratedly happy grimace, throwing her hands up in a dramatic shrug. "Well, whaddaya know, huh?"

The woman before her was tall and grand in stature, with snow white hair and sharp, snake-like eyes that fixed Alysha with an almost medusa-like gaze.

"Moron?" The tall woman queried, raising a sharp eyebrow, her arms crossed.

Alysha shrugged again, this time dismissively. "Let's be real, it's not the worst thing I've ever called you."

That was true; it really wasn't.

"And yes," The woman continued, ignoring Alysha's statement. "I am no longer a snake. No thanks to you."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Alysha said, raising her hands. "Don't blame me, I had my own... Stuff I was busy doing."

The woman made a derisive sound. "Then it is a good thing I found someone who was not busy."

Alysha could feel sinking feeling in her gut. "Ohhhh.... Right then. You're sorted. Well!" She clapped her hands together, forcing her lips into a casual smile. "In that case, I'll just... Head on my way..."

"Oh no." The woman said, a smile flicking at the edge of her lips. "There's someone who wants to talk to you."

"Ugh, really?" Alysha snarked irritably. "Really? This is bloody ridiculous.
... It's not happening. No way, no how."

She crossed her arms sulkily. "You can't make me go, Maven. You can't."


"Aly! It's so good to see you!"

Alysha grimaced, pasting the sarcastically-sweet smile across her face as she stared down the intimidating figure in front of her. "Daddy! ... I'd say the same, but I couldn't really care less."

Belial laughed at his eldest daughters attitude, walking towards her in long, lazy strides.
"Aw. But you don't really mean that. Why, last time I saw you, you were this little whisp skulking around a mirror reflection. I did offer to help you."

"Yes, I remember." Alysha said flatly, crossing her arms over her chest with an expression designed to pull the conversation to a screeching halt.

"But, of course, my clever girl managed to work her way out all on her own." He said jovially, his broad grin showing a few too many teeth to seem friendly. "Well, not quite all on her own..."

Alysha shrugged nonchalantly. "That's irrelevant now."

"Come on now, don't you want to celebrate your return?"

"No. I'm good." She was choosing to stay to short, sharp answers; not wanting to validate him with a proper response, or encourage the idea they were having a conversation in any way.

She could see Maven skulking around behind her out of the corner of her eye, obviously pretending she was totally not listening in to their entire dialogue. Alysha resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The woman could listen all she wanted, Alysha wasn't planning on giving anything important away.

"Then again, you do seem to have been having some fun today." Belial continued, suddenly drawing her divided attention back to him again. "It's a shame you seem to have ditched your little sister somewhere. I'd been enjoying hearing about your little escapades together."

Alysha's heart skipped a beat. Shit. Well, this was the topic she hadn't wanted to veer into.

Irritably, she side-eyed Maven, eyes shifting to an accusatory shade of dark orange. 'Snitch'.

"We could have had a proper celebration then." Her father chuckled. "My youngest daughter. Nyx, isn't it? Yes. Maybe I should go pay her a visit."

"Nope. Not a good idea." Alysha said quickly, shooting to shut the idea down completely.

"I'm her father, Alysha."

"So? She doesn't need you. Her and I, we like our independence. We don't need you butting in."

"Now then," He said, pulling an expression of fake-offense. "A young girls father is an important figure in her life. And I am no deadbeat."

"No. Not a good idea. No. Nope. Nuh huh. No way. Don't do it." Alysha said, shaking her head in a 'no'.

"Besides, I am bored of London." He said, crossing his arms over his chest- causing her to uncross hers, almost out of a childish sense of spite.

"Timbuktu sounds nice." She snarked, giving a sarcastic thumbs up.

The amused look on his face was what caught her last nerve, shattering her restrained facade. "Oh my God, you're so FUCKING annoying! You ruin EVERYTHING!"

Tadaaa! This week's chapter as promised! A bit late because of exams, but hopefully still good.
Next weeks update should be on normal time.

Wow, did you know this is actually part 151 of this book?! It's my longest yet! Well, hopefully no one is bored to tears quite yet. Seriously, I really hope you've enjoyed it so far XD

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