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"Da man in da lounge, why he here Mummy?
Why you lookin' after him?
He's mean, an' strange, an' he says he not your friend, but if he not your friend, why you been lettin' him stay over, an' looking after him,?"

'How on earth do I explain this one to a four year old without confusing him further or freaking him out?'

Luci fished for words, shifting her son so he was settled more comfortably on her hip.
"Uh... I'm looking after him as a favour to someone else. He's... Not been very well recently, and has been having a bit of a difficult time. We do know each other, we're just not... You know... Friends. Not like in the sense you and Wesley are friends."

The last sentence was a sly move, an attempt to distract Billy from the topic of Sebastian, by bringing up one of his absolute favourite subjects, his lovely little friend Wesley.

Billy smiled at Wesley's name, seemingly becoming self-conscious if the slight blush,  fidgeting, and sudden refusal to meet his mother's eyes were anything to go by.
"I like Wesley. She's so pretty and fun."

Luci grinned. "I can tell. You look like you have fun. Did you like staying over with her for a couple of days? I bet you had an awesome time, playing lots of games together."

Billy nodded enthusiastically, grinning. "Yeah! Was cool! Missed you though, Mummy."

He gave her a hug, planting a kiss on her cheek. Luci smiled, hugging him back.

A few moments later, Billy pulled back from the hug. "Mummy..." He said slowly, gesturing in the direction of the lounge.
"What's 'is name?"

So apparently that distraction hadn't done as well in diverging her son from that topic as she'd liked to hope.

"Uh... I think you can call him Sebastian.
To be honest, I'm not a hundred percent sure what he's currently going by."

"What, did 'e change it?"

"It's... Changed a couple times, yes... You know what? Why don't you just not talk to him unless you have to. Yeah, and that way, he won't get chance to be mean! How about that?"

Sorry if it's not great, but hey! It's a chapter!

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